Chapter 2

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Felix wakes up early, about 2 hours than he needs to be up. It was still dark out when he glanced out the window. Quietly he steps down the ladder and looks over at his sleeping roommate. Smiling when he steps off the latter he goes over and lightly kisses Kid's cheek. The tiny boy shifts a bit from it and nuzzles into his pillow, making Felix nearly die from the cuteness. Heading to his desk, Felix opens the drawer that had his Laptop in it and takes out the sharp dagger that was underneath it, he quickly puts on a crappy hoodie with the hood over his head and sneaking out of the room into the dark quiet hall. looking down both ways he decides to go right and open the first room there with his knife. He checks the room to see who was there, not who he was looking though. He locks the door and quietly heads down the hall until two doors later he finds Nathan and Jason's room. Walking over to the bed he sees Nathan on the bottom bunk, raising the knife in the air he was ready to stab him when as he thrusts the knife down it was stopped by another hand. He looks up to see Jason holding him back from what he wanted to do. As Jason was about to speak Felix swings the knife upward, stabbing Jason in the head instead. From what the blonde could see in the dark. Jason's breathing comes to a halt, his eyes grow wide with shock as he mutters to him.


The brown-haired boy goes limp as Felix pulls out the dagger from him (Not the boy he was aiming for but he planned on ending him after their first encounter anyways), he sees Nathan move a bit, shoving Jason up onto the bunk he was on before quickly gets out before he could get caught. He heads down the stairs and quietly to the bathrooms to wash off as much of the blood as he can get off of himself. With his small dagger clean he struggles to get the blood of the sweatshirt until he remembers and facepalms to himself, Hydrogen Peroxide. He forgot he needed that to clean off the blood. He quickly brushes his teeth while he was at it as he tries to have the hoodie dry up as much as possible. Heading up back to his room he quickly hides the weapon and hoodie away before heading back up to the bunk until 6am came and a knock on the door was heard. He heads over and opens the door to a staff man who gave him and Kid's assigned uniforms and schedules. They were a blue polo shirt and grey jean. Not very good style if you asked Felix but it was fine. He puts on his uniform. Looking at Kid's he remembers about the trackers he had made and packed and pulled one out of his suitcase and going to the emergency needle and threat case to sew one on quickly to the smaller boy's uniform. Putting them on the dresser and making sure the tiny thing wasn't going to be easily seen at all. The alarm clock goes off as Kid wakes up confused on where he was until it hit him that he was in the dorm room he was assigned to.

"Slept well last night I see"

Kid sits up straight and looks at Felix, The blonde tells him that his was on his dresser while giving him a smile. Kid smiles back and takes the clothes and goes to change while bumping into Ted and Nugget. Getting asked by them to come join them and the others to the cafeteria for breakfast. He accepts while heading back upstairs to put away the PJ he wore. His new uniform wasn't the most comfortable thing he's worn but at least it's not itchy. As he opens his bedroom door he hears a scream from down the hall. The two other doors open up as the boys in there look down the hall in just as much confusion as Kid was. Nathan's door flies open as he runs out screaming in fear.


The boys rushed down to see the blood filled sheets that hanged over the bunk as the body of Jason hangs over it. Ted and Nugget rushed over and gasp from the scene in front of them as a few of the other boys go to get any staff person/security they could find. As the officers roll in they kick everyone to the Cafeteria for breakfast as news starts to spread quickly about the murder. The Teens try their best to calm down Nathan as Felix watches with hidden anger in the distance. People around him start asking him basic questions like "What's it like to be famous?" or sometimes "Would you like to hang out with me later?". For once, he was kinda happy to have Cindy by his side as she shooed almost everyone away as soon as they walked up to him. Gives him time to think of a plan to get rid of that black-haired bastard before he takes his brunette away from him.

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now