Chapter 8

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Lily was suspicious of Buggs, she didn't trust him. Billy keeps on telling her that at least he's willing to help as he does know more about criminals than all of them combined. Penny, Karla and Alice did all agree he's the best they got for the situation (No matter how much they didn't want to agree on it). The group agreed since if Ozzy and Buggs were going to help them no one else could know about it or else it could make things a bit more dangerous for the new members. As the school day goes on Felix took note that Ozzy and Buggs were talking to Kid a bit more often than usual (And to his liking), he was thinking about last night too... With Ted, maybe he doesn't need him as much as he thought he did. Oh well, they only need one of them to live to run Applesoft and Felix is obviously the better fit for it. Guess he might have to get rid of a few close people he knows. Ted is number one of the list.

It was the end of the day, Kid was informed by campus security that he and his friends got the "Okay" to leave campus early because of his sister. Alice immediately had them go to the costume shop in town to get their costumes. The shop was small yet pretty cool, so much make-up and costume they have never even thought of (Carla got the idea of being a vampire clown Swamp monster from it). Kid liked a Ghost buster's costume he and Nugget found. Ted and Penny adored a Han Solo and Princess Leia costumes they discovered, Ron liked a Bob Ross Costume he saw, Monty agreed to be a mad scientist of Jerome dressed as the monster. Alice jumps out and jump scares everyone with a creepy Bunny she's getting. All deciding on what they would dress up as they gang leaves to wonder around town a bit more, checking streets they didn't get a chance to see before. There was a bakery, it was small and kinda reminded Kid of his mother's shop. It was painted a light green mint. Paintings of baked goods and flowers were hanged everywhere. There was the smell of cookies and bread in the air. Kid walks up to the counter and rings the bell as the others looks around the place. A purple haired man who looked to be around his late 20s walks up to the counter. He had tattoos all over his arms but had one of the friendliest smiles you can ever see in a person.

"Welcome to Momo's Creamy Bakery, how may I help you?"

Kid asks what does he have as the guy looks at him for a bit.

"We have these monster cookies on sale for the season right now! Along with Candy-corn Muffins! Say, do you happen to have an older sister here?"

"Sounds delicious and yeah, why?"

"Is she an officer?"


"Ah, you must be Kid then! I wondered why you looked familiar, Frisk has been talking to me about you! She says that she couldn't wait to show you this place when she got the chance. Looks like you beat her to it though"

The guy laughs, Kid smiles, kinda expecting that from his sister, she's always been the type of person who would show you something if they found it cool. Kid asks if she had already told him what he should recommend from her.

"She says you will love the Blueberry cream filled pumpkin muffins"

"I'll try that then"

Kid buys a baker's dozen for his friends and himself. Saying goodbye to the owner before leaving. The teens found the baked goods delicious, with Ted even joking that it's as good as Kid's mother's baking. They walked by the police station to drop off Ted, Penny and the Avenue twins (Along with talking to Frisk who was sad that she wasn't the one who brought Kid to the Bakery but was happy he at least liked the place) before heading back to campus and hanging out at the arcade.

Felix spent his entire rest of the day thinking of how he could deal with Buggs and Ozzy, walking down the stairs he heads to their dorm room and overhears them talking, he listens in on his two friends.

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now