Chapter 11

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"Nugget's here"




"You saw me walk through the door Monty-"


"I'm your fucking roommate-"

Monty continued to do role call for the Emergency meeting, he was concerned when he didn't hear Kid.

"Did any of you guys get Kid?"

"I messaged him because I didn't want to risk getting Felix involved"

Ozzy looks at Ted confused.

"Why not your brother"

"Because I don't trust him"

"But he's your twin-"

"It doesn't mean I have to like or trust him"

Ozzy frowns at the Huxley twin, they were about to have one of them go get him when the brunette in question walks through the door

"Sorry I'm late I was.. using the bathroom"

"Yeah "using the bathroom", sure you were"

Ozzy remarks sarcastically towards Kid, Madison tells him to calm down while they get started. Monty clears his throat to speak as he pulls out a notecard

"There has been an issue that has been getting worse and worse over time-"

"We all know about the bodies pilling up Monty, cut to the point already"

Glaring at his Latino friend he throws the card aside.

"We all are going to stick together until we find out who is the killer, no one go anywhere without at least two people with you. That Nathan kid either influenced someone, wasn't working alone or didn't actually kill anyone. If we don't find out now blah blah blah we'll all die blah blah blah let's go find the murder- there happy?"

Carla rolls her eyes while agreeing, turning to Penny and asking her to scan the area (And mentioning that they probably should have done that in the first place) while Lily gives a few theories

"It's got to be someone we're not thinking of! Someone we least expect!"

"Like Felix?"

Ted bluntly comments, Lily thinks for a bit before making a note on her phone. Penny finishes scanning and says there is a weapon in the building located upstairs in a room. Asking around the room if anyone was up to go up to check Ted, Penny and Jerome take up to offer and head up. The sound of footsteps fading away and within 5 minutes come back, Ted had something wrapped up in a cloth, he unwraps it carefully to reveal a gun.

"We found it in Nathan's room, I think this was the same gun that was used to commit that first murder"

Ted hands the wrapped up gun to Lily for her and Billy to take to the police station. She looked at the gun for a bit, deep in thought before wrapping and shoving it into her coat's pocket. The meeting presses on. Monty questions the girls as to what they exactly saw. Alice starts

"So Lily and I were on the roof of our Dorm house when we thought we saw something in the Cafeteria Dumpster, so we went over there to investigate it and saw corpses, we don't know who though as we didn't see their faces"

"You sure they were corpses"

"Well when there is blood splattered all over the inside of the dumpster and the shape of two bodies are inside, I don't know about you Ozzy but I'm pretty sure it's clear they're corpses"

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now