Chapter 10

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Kid was in the bathroom with Felix, getting his wounds fixed up. It was after school and Felix dragged him off to take care of him, they were alone as Kid sat on the dorm bathroom counter. Flustered as Felix takes a warm damp towel and rubs it gently on his roommate's bruised cheek and eye. The brunette flinches a bit, making the blonde remove the wet cloth from his face.

"Sorry, didn't mean to press that hard"

"I-it's fine, d-didn't hurt at all"

"You flinched"

Kid looks down at his knees awkwardly, like a child who was in trouble. Felix lifts his face up so that he can see it, taking in the look his dear love had. Plotting how he was going to kill those assholes for bruising that adorable face. He finished cleaning up Kid's bruises before kisses them softly.

"I expect to never have to see you like this again"

"I-i k-know Fe-felix, I-i'll try not to let that happen again..."

"That's why I'll be escorting you to make sure you'll get to where you need to be safe"

Kid gives him a confused look, still very red in the face

"Th-that's very s-sweet of you b-but I-i'm sure that I'll be fine-"

"Kid this is the second time you've been attacked by those people"

"Well actually third but let's go with two" Kid thought, Felix put a hand on each of the brunette's shoulders

"I refuse to let this happen to you again, and I'm sure that if your sister sees you looking like this she'll pull you out of here and send you back home, do you want that?"

Kid put some thought into it, he didn't want to leave his friends behind, and he certainly didn't want to leave Felix.

"*sighs* No I don't, I want to stay here.... O-okay, I-i'll let you"

The blonde smiles before kissing the brunette softly on the lips.

"Good boy, now I would like to ask you why they were bothering you again"




"Kid you know I'll just ask Teddy then, I can tell that he's dealt with them before. He doesn't just downright fight a person without having an issue with them before."

".......*sighs* They just......... Know something about me that they don't like..... It's nothing to worry about-"

"I won't accept that as an answer, please be more specific"

"......O-oh um- hello? Hi nugget you want me to go to the library?"

Felix watched very unamusedly as Kid pretended to get a phone call, pretending to agree to meet up at the library. Sighing he tells the brunette that he'll be coming with him like he'd promised. The blonde helps the smaller male off the counter as they head out, bumping into Nugget, Ted and Billy at the front door.

"There's Kid! Nugget and friends were looking for you!"

Kid flushes up with embarrassment, he greets his friends nervously

"We were told that there was this cool Ice rink in town that is going to be opening up soon so they're throwing out all of these old pumpkins! We're thinking about doing something with them!"

Billy says with a bit of mischievousness in his eyes. Ted looks over at his twin, making eye contact with their same eyes

"Don't worry Felix, we're not going to do anything illegal with them"

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now