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7 years later, Felix adjusted his Navy Blue tie as he looks into the mirror. He did it, Kid was going to be all his officially. It was the day of his and Kid's wedding and he couldn't be happier. He fixes up his blonde hair as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Felix sees the door open behind him in his reflection showing his best friend, Cindy. She wore a Greyish Blue dress and her hair was curled up and held with a flower clip. She gave a small smile to him. She closes the door.

"Excited for your big day?"

"Of course I would be, I've been waiting for it to happen for a long time"

Cindy lightly nods before giving a awkward looks, she opens her mouth  to speak but then closes it again, questioning what she's about to ask. She shakes her head and asks him anyways

"Even when you first met him" Felix looks at her through the reflection, confused on why she needed to ask that

"Yes, even when I first met him. I knew we would end up together"

"...Because you were going to make sure of it, no matter how many people had to die or get hurt for it?" The teal eyes of Huxley made eye contact with her ocean blue ones through the mirror, a feeling of dread filled her as he looks at her silently. He looks away from her.

"So you knew this whole time? Am I correct on that?"

"Well..... Not this whole time.... I only found out after I was in that coma back in high school...After you pushed me over that railing... I was told by my dead twin what you did..." She shivers as she quietly says the last part. Felix hums and fixes himself up. Cindy promises Felix that she won't tell anyone and he finally turns to look at her

"Oh I know, you already know what I'm capable of anyways. If I can easily get away with killing my own father and all of those kids then you know I can easily dispose of you when ever I want or need to, yes?"

"Y-yeah... W-what I'm wondering is why? Why did you do that? Why your own father?"

"Cindy out of all the people I expect to understand this I would expect it to be you. He was controlling, he wouldn't have let me be with Kid. He had to go. Wouldn't you want to off someone who didn't want you to be with what belongs to you?"

"No! My parents may have wanted me to be straight but I learn to deal with it, I may not always make them proud but they would have to learn that this is who I am. I don't love boys I love girls, and I'm in love with one...."

Felix rolls his eyes at the female blonde, he turns back to the mirror and asks her wasn't she suppose to be somewhere at the moment. Cindy sighs and leaves after being told that Felix doesn't want to talk about the subject ever again.


The wedding was going smoothly, the two men exchanged their vows and the after party had started. Ted being the best man takes a seat next to Felix as the other groomsmen (Ozzy, Buggs, Billy, Nugget, Jerome and Monty) while Frisk being the groom's best woman in this case takes a seat by Kid  as the other bridesmaids (Kris, Kim, Lily, Penny, Carla and Cindy) take a seat next to her. The best man and woman say a few things about their siblings (even trying to embarrass them a few times) and the party continues. Cindy sat quiet as the mic gets passed on to each groomsmen/women until it reached to her. She felt the world stop for a moment, her mouth goes dry as all eyes go onto her now. 'Why am I so nervous? I like attention.' Cindy thought as she raises the microphone to her face. She feels Carla grab her hand and squeeze it as she stands up.

"I've known these two love birds since we were all so young, but back then I never thought they would end up together- then again we all were too busy eating crayons and playing with toys" People laugh at that small remark Cindy. 'I also didn't expect the person who is my best friend to be a monster' Cindy's mind said to her as she continues to talk about them.

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now