Chapter 12

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The next day Frisk dropped off Kid at the gate, he noticed that he wasn't the only one who this was happening to as well. He sees about 10 other Kids walk through the gate before him after getting out of the car.


The Brunette turns in time to be tackle hugged by Lily and Billy into the snow filled ground. They get off of him tell him how weird it was that he wasn't in the dorms anymore. Billy helped Kid up from the snow as Nugget and Ted catch up to them. Ted was laughing as they reached the trio

"Don't kill him guys, please he's the only one I can tolerate while in English"

Billy chuckles and sarcastically tells Ted to quit over reacting, Kid was dead yet but give it time. They head to the Cafeteria to hang out with the others before the bell for the students to head to their first hour rang. As they sat down and Kid feels a hand on his shoulder. The Brunette turns to see the Friendly face of Felix. Becoming flustered he greets the blonde while a few of his friends look at Felix with feelings of unease. Lily nudges and whispers to Carla that she needs to go talk to Cindy, asking if she was still going to be staying at her home.

"Yeah, we're going to have to go after school though to see her" Carla says, Lily tells her that they'll head over right after the final bell rings then. Ted kept a close eye on Felix, he points out to Felix that  shouldn't he be with his friends. His twin glares at him and walks away after telling Kid he'll see him in class, Ted looks at the brunette.

"What did Sans and Frisk think of him? Saw that he was helping you carry things yesterday"

"Frisk doesn't mind him, Sans.... I'm not sure at all, he didn't say anything to me about him"

Ted gets an idea of calling Sans, he asks for his number and Kid hesitantly gives him it. The blonde twin needed some help in keeping an eye on his brother. As they all sat there a huge group of Students go running out of the cafeteria, Carla and Jerome try their best to hold in the laugh as they all remembered about the pies. A few kids who were still in the cafeteria were tripping from either the weed or Acid. Staff try their best to calm down the students as people watch on. A few more kids go running out looking like their about to shit themselves

The bell rings after 10 minutes and the remaining students who didn't eat the pies leave for class. Nugget asking Kid if he was still going to the Christmas party as Felix joins them. Billy follow Ted as they have first hour together and sees him turn a differen corner, still following him he turns to see that Ted is leaning against the wall of the hallway dialing on his phone

"Who you calling?" Ted looks over to Billy, telling him he's calling Sans. The raven haired boy tells him that class is going to start soon so he should wait until lunch to call him. Grudgingly going to class time seemed to have been dragging on forever until it was finally lunch time, Ted spared no time to hurry and make a phone call to Sans. It ringed and someone picked up


"Hey is this Sans Moretti?"

"No this is Joe"

"Who's- oh you almost got there!"

"Heh, smart kid. Who's talking?"

"I'm Theodore Huxley, Kid's friend"

"Ted huh? I've good things about you, what's up?"

"I'm sure you've probably heard about my brother, Felix" There was silence for a few seconds making Ted worry that he might have said something bad.

"Yeah I have, Kid's roommate?"

"Yes him, what do you think of him?"

"Depends, am I talking to him right now?"

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now