Chapter 7

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"Damn! Is it really 11PM now?!"

Ron points at the clock, the others check their phones, just as surprised as him that it was that late.

"Huh, maybe it wasn't a good idea to try and get the highest score on all of the games here in one day"

Alice says as she finishes up a game (Getting a new high score on it), they all gather what they have brought there and head out into the cold night, the girls and boys split up as they get closer to the dorms. The boys messed around with Ted and Jerome rough housing and pushing each other around. Monty tells them to knock it off while Kid and Billy kinda encouraged it (Ron and Nugget just stand there in the background watching for his amusement). They were stopped however when a group 5 people rudely and intentionally bump into the two boys, making Ted and Jerome call them out on it

"You literally could have walked anywhere else! Are you all blind or something?!"

Jerome yells out, making the group stop and all of them look over at the boys. Kid's spine shivers as he recognizes them as the same kids who harassed him earlier, he quickly tries to get the others to go but Ted and Jerome stand their ground. Monty tries to persuade them to no use.

"And what makes you think you have a right to talk to us like that newbies?"

The Red-headed girl hisses at them with anger in her eyes. Jerome glares back at her and argues in defense. Ted holds him back as the argument gets more heated. Monty wheels himself over to Jerome and tells him it's not worth arguing at assholes like them.

"Oh look! Crippled boy has a brain! At least something still works in that body of yours"

Monty's face goes red with hate as he starts yelling at the group of 5 (Threatening them and saying that if he had the proper equipment right now he would have killed them), Kid rushes over and holds the wheelchair so that Monty doesn't get himself killed because of his blinding anger.

"Aw~ Looks like Cripple boy has a boyfriend- wait one fucking second... You're the faggot we told earlier to stay away from Felix Huxley"

Kid's face drains of color as Ron and Billy take away a very pissed-off Monty. Ted steps in front of Kid, glaring down

"Leave him alone, he's not a part of the issue we have with you now"

"...So you're Theodore Huxley? Aren't you? Why do you bother hanging out with losers like them? Why not be like you're brother?"

"Don't make me barf from that thought, I would rather not be a stuck-up dick and be who I want to be. Now leave us alone or things will get ugly"

"You seem to really care about these loser,s don't you? Is that why you hang to with them? To make yourself feel better than someone at least?"

Ted's eye twitches from what he heard, Kid holds on to his wrist and tells him that they should get going. The bullies laugh at Ted, making something inside him boil with fury

"Is that why you're protecting that bitch behind you? Because you feel like a better person? Or do you love him?~ Do you loooove him Discount Felix?"

Ted finally snaps and punches the closest guy near him, making him fall to the ground. Jerome and Kid take this time to grab Ted and book it with the other boys. They get back to the dorm to see Buggs standing at the front door on his phone. He looks up and see them giving them a "Who got murdered?" look. They zoom past him as fast as possible and hide in Monty and Jerome's room for a while with the blinds closed and the room dark. Monty and Jerome hide in the closet, Ron and Billy Hide under the bed, Nugget hides behind the desk and Ted and Kid hide behind the dresser. They all hear that group of five head up to the dorm and look around for the

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now