Chapter 9

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The next day right in the morning the Teens go to the hospital to visit Ted. Asking him what had happened the night before

"I was walking out of the Party because Lily wanted me to check on Kid to make sure he was alright when that bastard, Buggs came out of no where and fucking stabbed me in the leg and stomach!"

For once, the others were shocked to hear Buggs attacked someone. Ted goes on that he knows it was him because he was the only one at the party who wore a Ghost-face Mask, they even looked around Bugg's height from what he saw. They ask him if he was really sure. He was 100% positive. Penny made a vote to confront him herself as Nugget and Billy wanted to as well

"No, only I will. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind for all the things he's done. He has finally crossed the line and I refuse to let him get away punished free from me"

Her tone was dead as she gave an emotionless look, her eyes glowed red from anger as she hugs Ted before leaving

"....Should....Should we stop her?"

Kid asks as he gets up. Lily gets him to sit back down

"No, let her get her anger out. Buggs's deserves it after stabbing Ted"

They finished visiting their friend before leaving after a good hour to head back to Campus. As they walk in through the gates they see Buggs looking disheveled and mildly scared with his arm heavily bleeding. He rushes up to them in a panic


Lily, Billy, Carla, Monty and Nugget give him a dead expression . Ron, Kid and Jerome look at each other with genuine worry. Alice stands there with a small smile at him. He asks them again to help him

"What were you expecting after attacking Ted? Nothing?"

Buggs gives Lily a confused scared look, he looks over at Kid.

"Kid please tell me that you're going to help me, don't you trust me?"

He reaches out towards the brunette as Lily pulls him behind her and cracking her knuckles

"Don't you even think about touching him you son of a bitch! I won't let you hurt any more of my friends!"

Buggs steps back and tells her to calm down

"Calm down? CALM DOWN?! Why would I be calm towards you?"

"Lily I think you should let Penny do the work here, save your energy for the wrestling match"

Billy holds back his sister while she takes a deep breath to calm down, then smirking evilly


Buggs's face goes pale as he runs past them and off campus.

".....I don't think we'll see him after this"

Jerome says as he along with Monty and Carla, wonder off to whatever they usually do on a Sunday

"You guys are leaving us?!"

"Uh YEAH! Penny's dealing with Buggs and there is no more Killer to deal with, we'll all be fine!

Jerome looks back at the group, walking backwards

"Carla, Monty you both can't be serious on this too?"

Carla looks back at the group and waves them off

"It's been a long day, we're all stressed, we have school tomorrow- fuck it! I want to have at least one day without worrying about being murdered, I'm going to the arcade!"

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now