Chapter 13

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Ted and Kid get inside the field house, the place was surprisingly not that filled. Not as many people came like the Halloween party (Then again there were murders and it's cold-). They both scanned the room and quickly found there friends. Lily was excitedly talking to other students from the school while Nugget looked a bit nauseous from being dragged into the building thanks to his girlfriend's sonic speed run. The brunette and Blonde walked up to and greeted them

"Hey where's the other three?" Lily questions as she sees that her twin and other two friends weren't with them.

"Alice face planted into the ground from not checking for black ice, Ron and Billy are taking her to the nurse" Ted says, Lily giggles and jokingly wiggles her eyebrows while Ted laughs and Kid facepalms while chuckling from their inside joke. The tall blonde excuses himself to go get some punch and walked away from the three as Lily turns back to talk to the other students that were there. Kid turns to Nugget and asks if he was alright

"N-nugget is fiiiine... Just a bit dizzy" Nugget leans on his tall girlfriend to keep balance. He closes his eyes to try to regain strength to stand by himself again, he only opens his eyes again when he feels the presents of Felix come near. He glaces past Kid to notice the other Huxley Twin enter the field house with Ozzy and Madison. Nugget frowns as Felix notices Kid right away. Ted also took note as he was on the other side of the room watching. The blue Huxley Twin walks up to Kid and begins to talk to him, gaining the attention of Lily. The other students seemed to have wondered off. The raven haired girl raises an eyebrow at him as she joins in on the conversation. Meanwhile Felix starts to get on edge and mildly intimidated by her, she might be slightly shorter than him but she still kinda scares him after all of these years. She could possibly be the only person in this room who could actually stop him without struggling at all, he knows that and he didn't want to risk anything with her here. Trying to remain as calm as possible Felix puts all of his focus onto Kid. Admiring all of the features on the short male's face. The way he is blushing and the twinkle in his eyes, he gets lost in them until he gets snapped back into reality with something splashing on him.

"Oops, sorry Felix! Didn't mean to be so clumsy there" Ted says in a "not sorry" tone. Felix looks down to see that red punch was spilled all over his sweater, he shoots a glare at Ted while Kid offers to go help Felix clean up. Nugget quickly shoots that option down by dragging both the brunette and his confused raven haired girlfriend away. Felix sighs with a hint of annoyance in it and goes to the bathroom to try and clean up. Ted walks towards his friends with pride


"Stupid Teddy, spilling punch over my sweater. He's not going to hear the end of this from Father" Felix mutters to himself as he tries to get as much of the liquid off as possible. He hears a knock at the door

"Felix you in there?" The sound of Ozzy's voice was heard, muffled through the bathroom door. Felix tells him to come in, the ginger opens the door a bit and pops his head through. The blonde shoots him a not very happy look. Staying silent Ozzy walks in and closes the door behind him

"I saw that Ted accidentally spilled punch" Ozzy nervously said in an uneasy tone

"Heh, "Accidentally". Be real Oswald, he did this on purpose and you know it. He's trying to keep Kid from me" Whispering the last sentence so Ozzy couldn't hear, Felix tosses another paper towel into the trash can and grabs another. His ginger friend awkwardly offers to get him a new sweater. Huxley declines and says he'll do it himself anyways before getting frustrated by all the punch that wouldn't get off the ugly sweating. He barges past Ozzy and heads out, entering back into the main part of the party. He tries to make sure he doesn't look like he's about to strangle someone as he exits when he feels someone stop him. Groaning thinking it was Ozzy, he turns his head to look back

Possessive (Felix x Kid) *Kindergarten Game Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now