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Lies will bait and beat,

For they are never obedient,

As it is easy to deceive,

When the words themselves cut away their own truths.

Once they got back the police station, all the information they had gathered was spread out on the table. "It's time we give the profile." Emily informed the ragtag group, she turned to Jayne Wong who was looking at a case file with Matt. "Could you gather your officers, please?" Jayne nodded, stood and left as the door shut they heard a piercing whistle along with a shout. They all flinched not expecting the sharp sound. They left the conference room and stood in front of the mass of officers. Emily began. "Good afternoon, the unsub, otherwise known as Unidentified Subject, that we are searching for is an Angel of Mercy killer." Rossi continued, "Angel of Mercy is a killer who believes they are helping this person. That they are relieving them of their suffering. This maybe, and is often the case, delusional." Reid cleared his throat. "This Angel of Mercy is we believe currently responsible for the deaths of eleven people." JJ began her explanation, "Angels of Mercy often work in health related fields, and we have spoken with those at Charity Grace Hospital and will continue to follow up. We believe the unsub works there as Angels of Mercy typically use their medical knowledge to 'help' their patients." Matt added his bit. "There is also a strong possibility that the unsub is working with someone. This maybe just for access to the drugs, but, this person may also, be their partner. Our unsub's ideology will include easing someone's pain real or perceived. They may be working with their partner, as to not draw attention to any one person." Tara rounded it off, "You will need to be careful when apprehending the suspect, and they are likely to react unpredictably when their actions are questioned." Luke thanked the officers before Jayne sent them to work.

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