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Time and Love never really get on,

Love always thinks that Time never gave enough,

While Time believes that each romance has the time they deserve,

One thing that they agree on is that Love can stop Time in their tracks.

Garcia typed quickly, "At least one of them is computer literate. I can't really locate their phones, they've set up protocols to warn them if their phones are hacked. Whatever I do I may warn them that we are onto them." Luke looked up, "Stop Penelope, don't ping them yet." Garcia who had already stopped her motions, and scowled at Luke. He turned to Emily, "Call the hospital, say there is a possibility she knows a victim and you want to get in touch with her, then call her and Garcia can ping that call. It should raise any alarms." He got out in a rush, Garcia gave a small smile, "That's not a bad idea, newbie." Luke's eyes widened, "Wow, a compliment and a smile. I should really be recording this." His accent smoothly teasing the slightly red faced but mostly annoyed analyst. Emily shushed the now bickering duo. "Hi, this is SSA Emily Prentiss, I am trying to get a hold of a Doctor Natalia Fay....No, no, she's not in trouble or any danger. Her name was on a piece of paper at a crime scene and I wanted to call her and see if she was free to meet." Emily paused listening to whoever it was on the other side. "Could you give me her number by any chance? Thank you." Emily scribbled down the number before repeating back to ensure it was the right one.

From there she hung up and dialled Natalia's number. She signalled Garcia who wiggled her fingers in a jazzy manner to indicate she was ready. The phone went through and Emily pointed at Garcia who typed while Emily attempt to stall Natalia. The call was short but Garcia managed to locate the receiver of the call. Once Natalia hung up, promising with little intention of following through to be at the station in an hour. "Found them, both Natalia and her husband are together. Managed to ping her cell phone, then found them on a traffic cam, not the first time I've grateful those little buggers." Garcia received another set of weird looks before she dove back into giving her information. "Anyway they are sitting outside a house which is owned by a Daniel Mosley, retired, works now as an author, here's his picture...oh my god...sending you the address." The photo appeared in place of the colourful analyst. He looked similar to Rossi. Each member stood and grabbed the gear they would need. They spilt into three SUV's, Tara, JJ and Emily in one, Reid and Luke in another with Matt and Rossi in the third. Matt and Rossi headed to the house Natalia and Thomas shared, while Luke and Reid checked out the hospital before

When they got to Daniel Mosley's house, Natalia's car was parked in the driveway and neither she nor her husband where in sight. Pulling up to the house, Tara and some of the uniformed officers that had joined them began to approach from the back door while Emily and JJ went in through the front. Emily pounded on the front door. "NATALIA FAY! THOMAS BELLAMY! OPEN UP! FBI!" There was the sound of shattering glass and shriek which was enough for a uniform to kick at the door. It fell open with the sound of splintering wood from the jam. They entered and began to clear the house they heard Tara enter as well. They entered the living room which had glass windows to Natalia's back while the two exits were blocked by Tara and her group with Emily and JJ blocking the other. Natalia looked over at her husband who smirked back, he was holding two bags of something unidentifiable.

While Daniel was kneeling, gagged, in front of Natalia. She was dressed in a blue summer dress, her black hair loose and down her back, it had three small pins in it, one blue, one red and one green. Her sweet appearance was offset as she gave a feral grin eerily mirroring her mother's expression at her final kill. The rest of the scene gave into that illusion. JJ, Emily and Tara all managed to hide their shudder at their involuntary recall of the memory. "Natalia, put down that knife and let Daniel go." Tara attempted to connect with the woman in front of her. "You killed those people. Why?" Emily questioned. "I put them out of their misery." Natalia snapped back, her husky smoke like voice didn't seem to fit the Disney princess aesthetic that encapsulated her. JJ noted that it reminded her of the lead actress in the film Easy A that Garcia had gotten her to watch recently, she blinked bringing herself back to the present. "That's a dangerous thought. Thinking they were in misery." Emily told her, "But you don't seem dangerous, do you? That's why this works, this." Emily waved her hand about the room for emphasis, before continuing, "And you being the Angel of Mercy killer we were looking for." Thomas looked towards his wife before swinging his glance back to the three female agents. "Aren't I dangerous?" He asked cockily. JJ shrugged, cocking an eyebrow, before saying with a blasé tone, "She's the doctor and the one with the knife." Emily turned her own attention to Natalia, "Let him go. You have what you us here, you have our attention. You have what you want." Thomas drew in a heavy breath at that and with an arrogant shake of his head told the BAU chief. "You really shouldn't have said that." Natalia let loose a feral shriek, her composure slipping, "No, you took what I wanted. Ripped it from me, like I'll rip this from you the same way she did." Before the rest of the officers or even the experienced FBI agents could react, Natalia drew her scalpel across the neck of Daniel. He fell dead as Thomas threw the two bags he was holding at both parties. The spray of blood was mixed with the heavy, thick, white powder that choked the air. There was the sound of breaking glass and JJ spun on her heel, blonde ponytail swinging wildly and ran to the front door while Emily and Tara stepped around the body to follow out the window.

As Luke and Reid pulled up, Natalia and Thomas were out of the driveway in their own car and began drive away. JJ was not too far behind and covered a mixture of red specks and some form of white powder, waved her arms frantically at the pair gesturing towards the fleeing duo. Luke understood and began to speed up, Reid flicked the siren and lights on as the chase began. JJ pulled out her phone, calling Garcia who in turn patched in Rossi and Matt. The blonde agent wiped at the powder on her arms and made her way into the house once more.

Back in the house, Emily noted that Daniel was dead, he also had what appeared to be a defensive wound on his arm, and that the white powder appeared to be nothing more than common flour. As she surveyed the room, a scalpel stuck in the wall caught her eye. She headed over to it. The typed note had blood dripped down it covering almost one of the words but Emily had seen enough of these to know what it said. JJ came back into the living room, Tara on her heels. "They managed to get in their car, but Luke was arriving and managed to chase after them. They're still following." Emily nodded and leaned in to read the blood stained note. "What's that one say?" Tara questioned. "Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel." 

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