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JJ hung back as Rossi and Luke entered the conference room, answering her ringing phone. Soon JJ re-entered the conference room. She tapped the speaker button on the phone in the middle of the table. "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! What in the damn hell is going on? Why would anyone want to do this?" Luke turned quip on his tongue but Garcia continued, "I mean going after my family like this, honestly." Garcia huffed and the sounds of her keyboard clicking filled the silence. "What do you have Garcia?" Emily questioned, there was a pause and intake of breath before Garcia began her admittedly small tirade of information. Unseen by the group, she drank the reminder of her tea, pushed her colourful frames up her nose and began to scroll down her screen while reading the information off. "Let me just say, that the amount of serial killers I have found that have a fascination with human hearts is creepy high, and I mean creepy high. That being said, none are active, at least in this area. Some are dead, some are in prison, and some are other parts of the country who remain at large but other than that, I have zip, zero, nothing even close. I did look back through the last one like this we investigated..." Garcia held her breath as did the others, after composing herself she continued, "Esme and Linda James had no living relatives, no friends, no one else knew their plans or the exact why in which they were carried out. That being said, I also ran all the cops and CSU's as well as anyone who had access to the case files, through the system. Nothing popped out just yet, I'm going to keep digging so it will jump out, for I am the Queen of Knowledge." There were scattered smiles, Garcia made a flourish with her fluffy pink pen. The team picked at the lunch that had been delivered.

Garcia, herself, still on speaker phone, mindlessly chewed on her own meal. As they discussed various ideas about who have had access to the case files. "They had been sealed, due to well..." Emily shrugged her shoulders, and trailed off not wanting to remind the team the betrayal they had gone through. Garcia's computer beeped, she placed down her untouched lunch laying the fork across the Tupperware. "Okay, so I've heard from another me who works in archives. They say that they were hacked a few days ago and various cases from all over the FBI were copied to another untraceable location. Now, I've check VICAP, and every other database, no other cases have been replicated. But fear not, my pretties, I am off on another deep dive. Ciao, my loves." Jayne poked her head in, her sliver clips standing out in her pixie cut. She entered the room. "Sorry to interrupt, but I've been dealing with the usual wacko calls. One mentioned a neighbour's door being wide open which according to them was unusual so I sent a couple of unis to check it out. They found a body. Same as the others." Emily stood, "Matt, Tara." Both men stood, Luke, Rossi, and JJ turned back to their files while Reid turned back to the photographs. Jayne left, and Emily followed with Matt and Tara on her heels.

Emily pulled up outside the seemingly idyllic white picket fenced house. There was already a flurry of activity, CSU's were waiting outside after clearing the place so that the Emily and her small team could profile the scene. Jayne led the group inside, Tara paused in the doorway after Matt had entered and gazed around the once quiet neighbourhood. A couple of children were playing over the street, both were dressed in olive coveralls. Shouts about ghosts, echoed down the street. One shouted at the other, "Who ya gonna call?" The smaller one shouted back, "Ghostbusters!" They giggled for a bit before their worried looking mother hustled them both inside.

Tara entered the house with a final look back, leaving innocence behind she made her way into the haunting living room. Emily was staring at the body looking shaken while Matt was pointedly looking elsewhere, his eyes never settling for long. Tara came to a standstill as the long blonde hair registered. The young woman was again reminiscent of a BAU member, her slender athletic figure, mixed with her blood stained blonde hair and clouded grey eyes had the trio almost seeing double. She was wearing a white flowy blouse, which had with black jeans, blood bloomed on the ripped white shirt. Her heart lay a few feet away once again resting on a white cloth. Jayne sighed, sadness creeping into her actions as her shoulders dropped. "Her names, Jasmine Kimber, no priors. Teacher at local school, she taught history. Twenty-six. No family." Jayne turned from the bloodied scene and noticed Matt inspecting the door. "No forced entry. She must have known them or she could have left it unlocked." Jayne looked over the trio once more, before a tech handed her an evidence bag. "Techs just found this note, it's typed and they weren't able to find any prints." She handed it to Emily, who looked at the neatly typed message. "What's it say?" Matt asked after a few moments of tense silence. "Mr. and Mrs. Michael." Tara raised her eyebrows as she breathed in deeply. "They undeniably have a thing for angels." Emily nodded absently, the trio headed off to fill in the others, while Jayne stayed behind to survey the scene.

Once they returned to the conference room, they all noted that the table was covered in the relating case files, JJ was also eating a small tub of ice cream she had gotten from the store across the street. "I take it our cases are now a la mode." Matt made a poor attempt at a joke. JJ faked a laugh as she ate another spoonful of her ice cream. Tara gave a small smile and began to pin the new pictures up on the evidence board. Each member stilled and looked over at JJ, she looked up at them. "The unsub is obviously targeting us." Emily's eyebrows rose, "That's your only comment?" JJ nodded, "First victim looks like you, second looks like Reid, third looks like me. Who hates us this much?" Rossi tilted his head, "Anyone we have put away, their families who think we have the wrong person, the list is endless." Luke pointed his pen at the older man, "He has a point." Reid sighed, "There's a suspect list I hoped to never run down again." The usual trill of Garcia calling came from the computer. The yawning analyst appeared, "Might be time to get some sleep, Penelope." JJ teased. "You first." Came her writhing reply. Emily nodded, "That's actually a good idea Garcia, and we should all get some sleep. But first, why did you call?" Garcia looked over her family, "To check if you needed anything." Emily shook her head and the analyst jumped off the screen with yet another yawn and a promise to call tomorrow.

Arriving at their hotel, each member once again doubled up, despite another room being free. Emily wanted everyone to watch each other's backs and although most of the team wouldn't freely admit it, they agreed with her idea. JJ was with Emily, Tara joined them as they had a foldout couch in their hotel room. Matt was with Rossi, with Reid and Luke sharing a room. Luke fell face first onto his bed, neglecting to undress, Reid on the other hand, sat down at the end of his bed staring at his hands. Luke turned to look at him, "You okay?" Reid shook his head, shrugged and nodded. "That's believable." Luke quipped. "Do you still have that nagging feeling, that's kind of like déjà vu?" Luke took a breath before answering affirmatively. Reid got up and moved around his bed before getting in. "Mine hasn't gone away, in fact its stronger." He told Luke as he got into bed. Luke nodded before flicking the light off and plunging the room into darkness. Both men deliberated over the feeling of familiarity before drifting off into an uneasy sleep.

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