(Y/N) was the daughter Glynda Goodwitch and James Ironwood, but James didn't know Glynda was pregnant and left him with a daughter he didn't know he had
(Y/N) was looked down upon by her own mother for being able to use and manipulate blood, and Gly...
(Soooo sorry for the lack of update of this. Life, and kept making a bunch of other stories)
A little Faunus girl was running from some Schnee guards who turned down into an alleyway before stopping at a dead end.
'I'm screwed! I'm going back in those mines!' The young Faunus screamed in her mind, turning to the approaching guards who wielded shock batons.
"Your coming back to the mines, freak!" The first guard stepped forward, reaching a hand forward to grab her before suddenly, his hand was cut clean off, blood gushing from the stump the man screaming in agony and terror.
"Leave the girl be." A female voice spoke, jumping down from somewhere and in a crouching position before standing up. Her face was covered by a red mask and wore a strange outfit.
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"Who the fuck are-?!" The second guard didn't get to finish his sentence before suddenly, his throat was slit as it splattered all over the alleyway, him coughing and clutching it in hopes of stopping the bleeding, but he bled out within seconds before collapsing dead.
The final guard lifted up his baton and charged forward with a cry. Suddenly, the blood that was all over the alleyway quickly went to the female's hand, forming a scythe to which she spun her body and twirled the bloody scythe, chopping off both hands making the man howl in pain. The female then slammed both knees into his chest, sending him to the ground as the blood scythe changed forms to that of saw blades before the female stabbed them into his face. The blood diterialized as she got up, his face going into 3 halves as more blood leaked out.
"You.... you saved me...." The girl spoke, shocked that a human helped her. "Why?" She gasped when the woman turned to her, eyes not showing much emotion. "No child should go through such torment. Run home, kid. It ain't safe out here." The woman tossed a pouch of lein to her making the child gasp as she caught it on instinct. The woman held out her hand as she absorbed the blood and began walking deeper into the alleyway, but the child got up, ears twitching. "Wait! Your one of those heroes, aren't you? A huntress?" The woman paused, her back still facing her then turned to face her. "Not anymore. My name is Skarlet." She then walked deeper into the alleyway until she was no longer seen.
The child Faunus smiled. "I think you are...." Before running off somewhere into the night. She ran and ran until making way to her house where her cousin was, crying tears of joy that he got her back.
And on top of a building, a woman in red watched the cousins hugging before entering inside. Smiling under her mask, she turned and left before the camera went to the cracked moon and then the screen went dark....