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"Howdy Twilight." A voice called out.

Twilight turned towards the source of the voice, an Orange colored Pony. The Alicorn reached her front hooves out and gave the other Pony a hug. "Hi, Applejack."

Applejack peered around Twilight, her attention focusing on a very confused looking Steven and Spinel. "Twilight, who are they?"

"That's Steven and Spinel. They crash landed in the Everfree Forest along with what appeared to be three other Ponies. Rainbow and I flew over towards the sight of the crash and got them all out."

Applejack looked around. "Speakin' of Rainbow, where is she?"

"Currently teaching all three of those Ponies how to fly."

"She's right behind you guys." Steven tiredly pointed out, gesturing towards the Blue Pegasus Pony.

"WHAT?!" Both Ponies shouted in unison, turning to face the Pegasus that had just landed.

"Rainbow." Twilight began to trot towards her friend, Applejack not far behind her. "I wasn't even expecting you to not take that long. Where are the Diamonds?"

"They're over there." Rainbow gestured towards the group of Alicorns who were struggling to open their wings.

"What?! They haven't learned how to fly."

"No. They learned how to fly. They just can't figure out how to open their wings."

Twilight sighed. "Never mind that, Rainbow. Go get Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. Tell them to meet us in my castle."

"On it." With that, Rainbow Dash took off.

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