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Inside the library of the Castle of Friendship, Starlight noticed Spinel looking sadly down at a book about friendship. The Pinkish-Purple Unicorn trotted over to her and sat down. "Spinel?" Starlight Glimmer asked, placing a hoof on the humanoid's back. 'Is something wrong?"

"N-nothing, Starlight. Just reading this book about friendship."

"Why are you reading a section on abandonment?" Starlight asked, glancing down towards the book. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah..." Spinel closed the book and turned to look down at Starlight. "I was abandoned by an old friend of mine. When I found out she was gone, I went mad."

"That's tough." Starlight replied with a chuckle. "I kinda went through something quite similar to what you went through, Spinel. Being left all alone by a friend and going mad. It must've hurt a lot when it happened to you."

"It did." Spinel said sadly.

"Oh oh." White spoke up. "What happened, Starlight."

"I became a sort of dictator-like Pony." Starlight started to quietly laugh. "Pressured an entire town into giving up their Cutie Marks and becoming equal."

"What's a Cutie Mark?" White Diamond asked out of curiosity.

"W-well you s-see a Cutie Mark I-is" Starlight stopped speaking, trying to figure out something to say. "A cutie Mark is an image that appears on a Pony's flank. It relates to their talent."

"Do all Ponies have Cutie Marks when they're born?" Steven asked out of curiosity, moving a little closer to Starlight.

Starlight bit her lip. "Not exactly. A Pony gets their Cutie Mark sometime during their foalhood. It appears after the Pony discovers their talent."

"Sooo... a Cutie Mark just magically appears after a Pony discovers their talent?"

"Mhm." Starlight nodded in response.

White glanced at her flank before looking over towards Yellow and Blue's flanks. She focused her attention on Starlight a few seconds later. "Hang on." White spoke up. "Why don't the three of us each have a Cutie Mark of our own? Shouldn't we have Cutie Marks."

"What do you mean you don't have Cutie Marks?" A confused Starlight cocked her head to the side as she stared at the Diamonds.

"I don't know." Yellow quietly responded with a sigh. "Why don't you come over and take a quick look for yourself, Starlight."

Starlight trotted over towards the Diamonds and took a look at each of their flanks. "Hm, you're right. None of you have Cutie Marks. I know exactly where to take you. Come on."

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