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Once back in Twilight's castle, Steven was quick to fall asleep. The teen soon found himself in some sort of Blue, starry dreamscape. Off in the distance, he spotted a midnight Blue Alicorn Pony, roughly around the same size as Blue and Yellow's Pony forms.

"W-who are you?" Steven called out to the Pony.

"I am Princess Luna, young human." Luna trotted a little closer, smiling at the teen. "Tell me.... What brings you to Equestria?"

"I crash landed here with a few others." Steven explained. "The ship we were on caught fire and was destroyed. Is there anyway you can fix it, Luna?"

"I cannot fix your ship, young one." Came Luna's reply. "But I do have an idea of who can. We must wait until the morning-."

"Steven. My name is Steven."

"Steven." Luna repeated. "Nice to meet you, Steven. I must be going now. There are more dreams for me to visit."

"You can go into others' dreams?"

"That is correct, Steven."

"That's so cool." Steven's eyes widened. "I can do something similar to that. But only when I'm somewhere that had to do with my Mother..." Steven stopped and sighed.

"Steven...is something wrong?" Luna confusedly cocked her head to the side.

"Just thinking about my mother and my friends back home. You know, I never got to know my mother." Steven let out another sigh.

"Did something happen to her?"

"Yeah...she had to give up her form to make me." Steven lifted up his shirt again, showing his Gemstone off to Luna. The Princess looked at it for a while.

"This Gemstone of yours, was it once your Mother's?"

"Yeah..." Came Steven's reply. "How did you know?"

Luna simply chuckled. "I didn't. I just guessed. I do not know much about other life out there but I do know that there is other life. I hadn't really seen or met any until today. Are there others just like you, Steven?"

"If you mean other hybrids like me then no, I'm the only one."

"I meant others with Gemstones like yours."

"Oh. Well then. I came with four other Gems."

"Gems? Is that what they're called?"

Steven nodded. "Yep."

I would like to meet these Gems. I'm guessing you're staying in Twilight's castle?"

Steven nodded again.

"I will stop by Twilight's Castle tomorrow morning alongside my sister. I'm sure that she'd like to meet you too."

Steven smiled at Luna before closing his eyes and exiting the dreamscape he was in.

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