chapter six

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"You can't have all the fun now, can you, Potter?" Draco stops just as Harry feels the knot getting unbearable.

Slowly, he pushes a finger in. Harry yelped, he shifted uncomfortably as the foreign sensation buried through his body. Draco was lying next to him comfortingly, kissing his forehead and cheeks as beads of perspiration formed.

"Are you alright?" He asks, his voice calm and soothing, contrast to what kind of effect his fingers had. Harry weakly nods, it wasn't the worst pain in the world and the first time was definitely much worse for both the inexperienced boys.

One finger turns into two and Harry begins to loosen up. It started to becoming easier to breathe, and his body started to melt into the motions. His body was less tense and he found it in himself to actually begin liking the feeling again, it was familiar and now he was welcoming the experience back. Draco gets up from where he laid next to Harry and moves to the bottom of Harry's torso. Kissing his thighs and knees, Draco finally positions himself at his entrance and pushes in.

The sensation was weird. It was definitely not as painful as Harry had anticipated, rather so different that Harry felt mildly disorientated.

"Is that alright?" There it was, that sliver of insecurity in his voice. Draco had a flaw in his flamboyantly dominant trait and that was caring too much for Harry.

"It's alright." Harry kisses Draco, adjusting to the full feeling at the pit of his stomach. It was a sweet moment, something that felt so welcomingly familiar. They had forsaken a lot of pleasures that came with being in a relationship, and this was one of them.

"May I move?" Draco asks breathily, his composure was unveiling. Harry softened at his lovely boyfriend's consideration, this horny beast was on the brink of ravishing him but was holding back to make sure everything was okay. Harry timidly nods, a gentle smile on his face. Sadly, Draco's kindness comes to a halt there.

"Your face." Draco grunts as he harshly moves, "You always look so kind with that smile of yours. Little do people know what kind of faces you're making right now." He growls, lowering himself onto Harry. His hot breathe teases the crook of Harry's jaws, feverishly brushing onto his neck. This was too much, he was saying it was alright but this was too much. He should say something. Should he say something? What would he say? Does he want to say something?

"Oh, Harry. You're making such an adorable face right now." Draco smirks. The way Draco sounded right now, how he spoke in intervals, how low and breathy his voice sounded, it was amplifying everything Harry was feeling. It rung throughout his body, stopping and fueling the pit of his stomach. It felt like there was magma, bubbling, coarsing through his veins and it felt good.

"Tell me more." Harry grinned. Draco's smile faltered, taken aback by his shy partner's sudden boldness. But all was welcome. Draco smiled even more sadistically, pulling himself up to loom over his delectable boyfriend.

"Oh, so you've finally gotten into it I see.." Draco says teasingly, slowing down his pace as he runs a thin finger up towards Harry's neck. Harry started to pout as the speed fell but immediately stopped as soon as he felt Draco's large hands tighten around his neck. "Such a naughty boy. My hand's not the only thing that tightened, now is it?" That glint. That silver glint in Draco's eyes, the glint that only showed whenever he wanted something from the pit of his heart. It made Harry's gut spin as soon as he realised the glint was for him.

Time and the walls seemed to melt into the two as they ravenously indulged in each other through the evening.

"Was I too rough?" Draco huffs, sitting next a completely defeated Harry who laid lifeless on the bare mattress.

"Maybe." Harry groaned. His hips were killing him, not to mention his tailbone. This was hell, but at the same time Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and immediate relief. He was absent a lot, and Draco, being on the waitlist, was really stressful as well. He had just neglected his boyfriend. That's why he's glad to have made the time to make up for it now. He's got to think for a plan in the future though.

"Sorry, love. I've got to change the sheets. Can't have us sleeping on a bare mattess during our vacation, can I?" Draco smiles meekly. Harry couldn't help but feel all soft and fluffy on the inside. At times, he loves how gently Draco treats him. Even if Draco is a little rough on the edges, and handles arguments and being vulnerable badly, he stills tries his best to pamper Harry. It's hard being the golden boy sometimes. Everyone thinks you're a fairy tale character or something, made of solid stone. But it's sad, and hard, that no one ever considers for a moment that you want to be treated softly as well. And then there's Draco, who knows nothing about being treated, let alone treating someone, gently. Yet here he was, cleaning Harry up and even helping to change the bedsheets.

"Thank you." Harry warmly strokes the side of Draco's face as he moves Harry onto a cushioned chair.

"For what, weirdo. I made you like this." Draco scoffs, backing away from Harry. "To be fair, I did a good job, haven't I? I kind of like seeing you like this, Potter. All weak and needing me to care for you. It makes me feel like protecting you almost. What should I do with myself?"

"Cut the crap, baby. We both know you've got absolutely nothing on me." Harry retorts proudly, running his hands through his hair in a theatrical manner.

"Oh, second round already, Potter? Why I-" "Okay! Okay! Stop! You will break my back."

And silence.

"Pfft. What a baby." Draco chuckles.

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