chapter eleven

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What if Draco doesn't like Harry anymore? What if he leaves? Then who would Harry move in with? He could feel his eyes beginning to burn from these thoughts but he couldn't help himself as he pushes the knife into the soft cake. It was a very pretty cake. It was a vanilla sponge cake with a hefty layer of cream and on top of it sat a circle of neatly arranged fruits. Harry didn't want to get it all salty with his tears and besides, he needs to cheer Draco up and not get depressed himself.

"Draco– Draco?" He looks up only to find Draco wasn't at the sofa where Harry assumed he was. To be fair, it was the closest seat to the door where Draco had stood for a solid minute or two.

"Boo." Harry jolted, Draco was standing right behind him for Merlin knows how long.

"Don't do that! I'm holding a knife right now. It could've been dangerous." Harry reprimands, struggling to turn around because Draco wrapped his arms around Harry's waist.

"Hey. What do you think of rings?" Harry gulped. Was Draco asking for a ring? He can't see his face so Harry has no gauge on the situation. Just a minute ago, it seemed like Draco would've stormed off at any moment!

"Rings? I think they're cool... Why?" Harry replies as cooly as he can. He needed to hold out to have a better understanding of what hint Draco was trying to give. You see, Draco never asks questions. Especially not on other people'a opinions. Because, why should he? If he wanted to do it, he would. This whole situation was already extremely weird to Harry.

"Well.. What about these ones?" He has pictures??

Just then, Draco's hands moved up towards Harry's face. There was a black leather ring box. No way. Harry gulped, watching intently as Draco opened the box to reveal.. it was empty.

"Cute, right? Found this little lad down the road." Draco chirps, pulling away from Harry. Even at his freedom, Harry didn't turn back to look at Draco.

"Oh.. Yeah." It was an understatement to say he was disappointed. Harry didn't look back because he knew Draco was having a wide grin. And he was right. That's what Harry gets for messing with a Malfoy's feelings. Malfoy smiles at Harry's reaction, carefully slipping the two silver rings back into their respective spots in the box. Clearing his throat, Draco continues with his bizarre act.

"Okay, enough sulking. I've got a magic trick." Draco hums, making Harry turn towards him. Harry smiled weakly, trying to hide his hurt and disappointment. Was everything just a joke to Draco? Oh right. He's been the source of Draco's targeted jokes since they were in school.

"This box was empty, right?" Draco pulls it out once more, making Harry visibly uncomfortable but the boy still nodded his head.

"Well. Taa-daa!" He opens it. Now sitting there were two beautifully crafted silver rings, a single clear quartz sitting in the middle of both. They seemed around the same size and they were both extremely new, something drew Harry to them and it wasn't just the fact that Draco had bought him a ring. Since their relationship started, the most the other had done was cook food or come over for dinner. They were both settling into adulthood so they were trying their best to get by with living.

"What's this for?" Harry managed to squeak out, his voice was absolutely gone. He had been a total dickward to Draco and here he is, revealing a pair of the most gorgeous rings he had ever laid his eyes on. Harry was not one for accessories, but the fact that Draco even thought about having a matching set of rings was definitely an exception.

"For you, numskull. Who else?" Draco chuckled, grabbing Harry's limp hand gently. He slowly slid the silver ring onto Harry's ring finger. Just like magic, it fit perfectly. The cold sensation of the metal clung ever so lightly onto Harry's finger, it was odd. This was definitely going to take some time to get used to, but it was such a perfect moment that he was in no position to complain at all.

"Do you.. like it?" Draco asked ever so shyly. Harry couldn't help but let out an astonished laugh. "What?" He pouted.

"You pull such a prince-charming move only to become sheepish after all the charms has worn off!" Harry teased.

"How dare you! I would never use magic outside of Hogwarts—" "Malfoy, it's a figure of speech." Harry smiled even wider, watching as Draco spiral into a pit of panic. His lovely boyfriend wasn't one to get flustered easily.

"May I?" Harry pointed to the other ring that was still sitting snugly in the box.

"Oh. S-sure." Draco's heart beat faster. He knew that this was just a ring and it was normal for couples to get them. Heck, he's worn rings before. But why does this moment make Draco feel such a heavy, sinking feeling in his heart? It felt so... official. But he didn't know what for.

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