chapter nine

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"Let's go to the beach!" Harry chirps, looking up at the uninterested Draco.

"The beach?" Draco repeats monotonously. Harry's voice wasn't reaching his head. He was busy reading a book he had brought along, work meant that he didn't have anytime to unwind.

"Let's go swimming. You don't do that often, now do you, Malfoy?" Harry props himself up and off of Draco who groans annoyedly at the sudden temperature change. Finally, Draco turns to Harry with furrowed eyebrows before his lips curled into a cheeky grin.

"Haven't you gotten wet enough for the week already, Potter?" He whispers lowly, leaning in just close enough for Harry to feel his body heat. Harry holds his breathe as he feels his face begin to redden. Who would expect this monstrously awkward man to be such a huge flirt? Shaking his head, Harry pouts as he leans in close enough for their noses to touch.

"Please, you can bring the book down there and read too!" Harry offers.

"And risk wetting my book? No way, Potter." Draco scoffs, pulling away. "Besides, let's just relax. We've done a lot in the last two days."

"A lot?! Malfoy, you can't seriously call fucking me an activity." Harry groans.

"You didn't say that when you couldn't walk anymore." Draco retorts nonchalantly, making Harry's eyes widen. Ridiculous, Harry thought.

It's times like these that the two get reminded how different they both were. Harry just wants to make the most out of the time they have here, make as many memories as possible and come back home with a sight of where they want to be or how they want to be like in the future. Draco already knows what he wants them to be like in the future, or rather he's already happy now. He wants to be here in the moment and enjoy things as they naturally are. They were worlds apart; a boy who had nothing but believed in everything, and a boy who had everything but never believed in anything.

"Suit yourself. I'm going to the beach." Harry sighs, giving up his playful façade as he leaves the bed. Draco continues to read, pretending not to be affected but in reality he wanted to ask 'why are you acting like this?'.

Running his hands through his hair, Harry stares at himself in the mirror. Maybe going on a trip unplanned was a bad idea. Wait, what was he thinking? He loves Draco, and his Auror training position has put such a huge strain on their relationship. Of course he had to do something to make up for it! Why couldn't he just compromise a little bit of sun and sea for his boyfriend who so nicely went along with his sudden plans? Draco didn't even ask for a vacation and Harry just forced him in it. He was such a terrible boyfriend.

"Harry, I–" The door swung open and they both stood inches apart from each other. There was a very weak and awkward air in these few inches and both boyfriends couldn't manage to make eye contact. Harry's eyes slowly drifted to Draco, he was wearing the trunks that he had packed for him.

"Uh hm." Draco coughed, noticing his adorable boyfriend's gaze. "I-I'm sorry.. For not thinking of what you wanted to do.. We, uh, can go to the beach.. if you want to still.." Draco awkwardly choked out. He felt ridiculous! Harry wasn't even dressed in a bathing suit. Draco hasn't been to the beach in forever, he knows what it is and he has a very crappy quality memory of it but he can't even tell how old the memory was or when he last saw a beach. Did people wear swimsuits from their home or did they get changed there? Do they shower in public? Merlin knows..

"Pfft." Harry wheezed. Draco was so cute. It made him feel a bit better but at the same time worse. Why wasn't he the first one who apologised? He was the one in the wrong. Clearing his throat, he straightens his back.

"I'm sorry too. For not considering what you wanted." Harry says in a very assertive but gentle tone. He lifts up Draco's hand and lands a kiss on the back of it. "I'm also sorry.. For not making time for you back in the Wizarding world."

Draco purses his lips together. The atmosphere was heavy, but for a different reason. This second apology had caught him completely off guard and it wasn't a topic he was exactly prepared to talk about. To be honest, he had completely forgotten how unwanted he felt back in the Wizarding world thanks to the amount of attention Harry's been giving him. But now he fears that the moment they return back to the Wizarding world, the attention he's gotten comfortable with will be gone and Draco will spiral.

"N-no, it's okay." Don't apologise. Please. I don't want my hopes up.

"I meant it though." Stop.

"Potter, I–" "I know that it probably made you upset back home." Would you please be more considerate to me?

"Harry, listen–" "I know, I know. I'm here now–" Harry, pl–"ease!"

"Please... Just stop talking. I don't want to hear it and not right now. Yes, I felt upset back home. Yes, you've apologised and you've gone miles to try and make up for it but as soon as we're back home, everything will be the same again. So let's just drop this topic, okay?" Draco snaps. He then walks off into the bedroom, disappearing out of sight without a single word. Not even a glance.

Oh why.. why can't I be a good boyfriend?

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