chapter fifteen

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Samsung Digimax. What a weird name. Manufactured in Korea. Even weirder.

The couple spent the rest of the day taking photos and giggling in awe. The old man had given them a 2GB SD card and apparently that meant they could take about 1000 photos.

First they took some test ones at the plaza. Then they found a little park which had a flower garden and they had a little photoshoot. Draco's favourite photo was the one of Harry lying in the flowers. It was a headshot and he thinks it looks absolutely beautiful. Harry's favourite one was when Draco wasn't ready and he was complaining about how there was a trashbin where he wanted to pose.

The two headed back to the camera store where the old man helped them print the two photos as they ate some dinner. They bought little café sandwiches and sat at the benches while the sun set. Usually Harry would eat more but Draco wasn't in the mood for food, and Harry was in the mood for Draco. They ate in comfortable silence as the sky streaked violet and yellow, the sun making his dramatic descend off the stage that was the sky. The evening breeze getting colder with breath as the air begin to crispen up.

After getting the photos, they head back home and decided to call it a day. No freaky time, no childish banter. Tomorrow their train was coming at 3 pm and they just wanted to enjoy the last night.

"You still haven't given me an answer." Harry spoke up silently. To be honest, he's been wanting to say this all day but he didn't want to start a fight.

"I know." Draco sighed, his gaze and smile never breaking from sight. "Are you sure?" Draco asked, his blue eyes piercing Harry's with insecurity. Oh, sweet Merlin, if Draco could have this everyday, he wouldn't even mind becoming a stay-at-home-husband! The calmness that he feels while being next to Harry is incomparable to any other feeling in this world, it's more than just love or happiness. There's no word for it. It just felt warm.. and right.

"Of course, I'm sure. We can find a small, little cozy cottage somewhere and I'll get a position where we can work from home. We'll grow our own food and you can grow flowers–" "Okay! Okay." Draco stops Harry. Even if he was a little embarrassed at how feminine Harry was portraying everything, it did sound nice and oddly ideal for Draco even if he didn't want to admit it. So much has happened in his life, he just wants to rest now. Being isolated with Harry in a forest sounds amazing. It would be a nice reference to when they were still at Hogwarts and often met in the forbidden forest.

"What about kids? We can't have kids." Draco blurts out. Who were they going to tell their stories to? What if Harry wanted kids? Draco can't give Harry kids!

"Hey, hey!" Harry immediately places a hand on Draco's face as he begins to panic. "It's okay, we could adopt. I just want to be with you." Harry calmly speaks as he kisses the inner corners of Draco's face.

"But I can't give you a real family." Draco sobs. Harry already didn't have a family. He deserves to at least make his own one.

"You're already family, dimwit. I love you so much! You're the closest thing to a real family I've had now. And Hermione and Ron can be the aunt and uncle, or even better! Godparents to our children. Blaise can be their Goduncle too. Everything will be perfect. We can make the family we deserved but never had." Harry narrates soothingly, making the anxiety slip from Draco's mind as it was given a new thought to build on.

"I love you." Draco whispers as he pulls Harry close.

"I love you." Harry replies before leaning in for a sweet kiss. Just for this one moment, they were the only people in this world.

Harry woke up to shuffling around the room. Draco was already fully dressed and packing up the things they had left scattered all around the villa.

"What time is it" Harry grumbled, thinking it couldn't possibly be that late.

"Nearly 11 o'clock. When was our train back again?" Draco asked, walking over to pick up a shirt and simultaneously placing a little good morning kiss on Harry's forehead.

"3 in the afternoon. Come back to bed." Harry grumbled rolling over into the center of the bed.

"No, we can't miss the train. I have lots of work to catch up on." Draco sighed, staring t his boyfriend lazing around in bed. They weren't even back in the wizarding world and the stress was already getting to him. Draco's mind was still processing the whole moving in together situation, he doesn't understand how it would possibly work out with their time schedules and their budget. Draco was barely making meets end, he was living in Hogwarts. It just didn't seem realistic.

"Malfoy? Are you alright?" By the time he had snapped out of his overwhelming thoughts, Harry had propped himself up on his hands to look up at Draco.

"Yes, I'm fine." "Come on, I know you better than that. You seem stressed, talk to me." Harry pleads so caringly that Draco couldn't help but give in.

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