chapter nineteen

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Harry pouted. Where was Draco? It's been thirty minutes already and he knows that Draco usually ate dinner in his room. Just as he continues to worry more and more, the door swings open to a disgruntled Draco.

"Malfoy!" "Potter?" Draco was taken aback as the Gryffindor ran up to him with wide arms, pulling him into a warm hug. He was surprised but it wasn't unpleasant.

"Where were you and why are you all sooty?" Harry huffed at Draco's coat, getting dusting his shoulder off.

"It's a long story. What brings you to Hogwarts?" Draco shrugs off the dusty coat before seeing that there was a bag of food on the table. "Did you wait long?"

"What? No." Harry stands in front of the bag of food. He had been waiting for half an hour. "It's been a quarter of an hour." He stammers, struggling to string cohesive words together.

"I see... Is there something I can help you with?" Draco walks over to the closet as he loosens his tie. He was being really moody, Harry noted. Maybe Harry shouldn't have come after all.

"I just missed you. Should I go?" A sense of insecurity bubbled in Harry's stomach. He didn't mean to ask that and he didn't want to hear the reply either. What if Draco said yes?

"What? No. Stay here as long as you'd like. I didn't mean it that way, I just.. thought you had better things to do." Draco turns to look at Harry with sorry eyes before looking back into his closet, picking out a long sleeved shirt. Harry's heart leaped with relief. Why was this so awkward today?

"Right. You didn't answer where you were." Harry walks over to sit down on the bed, staring a hole through the back of Draco's neck.

"Nowhere important. I was looking at a place down at Riddler's Avenue." Draco casually states. Harry perks up a little bit, so he was thinking about us. As quickly as his mood peaked, the room fell silent again as Draco shrugs off his button up shirt. Why was it so hard to pick up a conversation? Was it just Harry? Draco seems comfortable. That's all that mattered, right? Just then he remembered what Hermione said echoing through his head, Jane from third department... dating Gregory.... Did he.. see Gregory?

"So what have you been up to today?" Draco finally speaks first, shutting off every possible thought that would've ran through Harry's mind at breakneck speed. Harry smiled as an unconscious sigh of relief.

"Oh uh, nothibg much really. The standard training stuff, y'know? Just.. Auror things." Draco shoots Harry a weird look, he quickly puts on a shirt and walks to where Harry sat.

"Spit it out. You have a dumb idea in your head again, I can see it on your face." Draco sighs, his cold silver eyes piercing straight through Harry's vulnerable hazel ones. It was like the winter brought on spring.

"W-well. Today during training Hermione, she brought up there was a place down at Riddler's.. and the information was given to her by Gregory's g-girlfriend." Harry stammers, looking away as he fidgets with his fingers. He did not like the dynamic in this conversation at all, he felt absolutely ridiculous! Like a child being told off by a teacher. This relationship was absolutely peak until it came to proper communication about feelings and doubts and all that yucky stuff you usually leave the pit of your stomach to deal with.

"And this affects me how?" Draco lifts up an eyebrow as he gently turns Harry's jaw towards him, forcing Harry to face the blond man before him.

"I mean uh.. I was just thinking.. maybe you met Gregory again.." Harry finally manages to force those words out. 'Oh Merlin, Draco probably thinks I'm ridiculous now!' and other similar thoughts began to fill Harry's already stressed out brain.

"Greg? For your information, I didn't see him and I haven't spoken to him since graduation. I also didn't see Hermione. Blaise was the one who told me about the apartment, but it was disgusting anyways." Draco chuckles, rubbing his thumb over Harry's cheek soothingly. A wave of relief washed through Harry as he allows himself to melt into the sensation of Draco's hand on his face. "Hmph. You're cute for an overthinker."


"Nothing." Draco smiles. It was the kind of smile that would only ever occur when all was right in the world, all was right in Draco's world. "Why don't you stay tonight? It's getting late anyways."

"Mm.. Sounds good to me."

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