chapter three

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The first day was rather well spent. The two had spent their evening being shut in and afterwards, went to town for dinner. Draco had carbonara for the first time, he's had cream pasta but he just called it cream pasta. Harry had spent almost all of dinner trying to teach a bit of geography to Draco, and surprisingly he's picking it up fast.  Though, Draco still thinks carbonara is cream pasta and cream pasta is carbonara and the fancy name is unnecessary. He still doesn't know any other country besides the UK, but to Harry that's okay and absolutely adorable.

It was the morning. Draco stared out at the beach, the waves crashing violently onto the rocks with no sound somewhat soothed him. Harry's head was on his lap, his arms wrapped around Draco's torso as he slept away. This ambience would never be achieved in the wizarding world, perhaps that is one of the first ways the muggles have exceeded wizards. This world was so foreign, yet the same to Draco. Society worked the same, from the books he's read at least. A gentle kiss on the hand pulled Draco out of his curious thoughts as Harry's grip tightened.

"Morning." Harry grumbled, burying his face into Draco's body in response to the obnoxious sunlight.

"Morning." Draco smiled, gently running his hands through the curly brunette locks. Six months. It was truly crazy that Draco got into a relationship with his arch nemesis, graduated but didn't — or rather hasn't — become an Auror and now is in the muggle world for vacation. He certainly did not expect his life to turn out this way, but he wouldn't have liked it as much any other ways. Harry, thus far, as been the best thing that could've ever happened to him. Draco never really reflected on it, he didn't have time to. It all happened so fast, and then suddenly they graduated. Of course he deeply appreciates Harry, he just never sat down and thought why.

"What do you want to do today?" Harry mumbles, his voice still raspy from sleep. Draco stopped to think for a second before saying, "I don't know. You're the one who's lived here before."

"True. Shall we go to central London for a bit?" Harry pulls himself off of the bed just enough so he can see Draco.

"Whatever you wish, Potter." Draco leans in to give Harry a gentle kiss.

He immediately regretted agreeing.

Back into the disgusting passenger seats of a taxi Draco gets shoved in again. Sometimes, Draco truly wonders what is going through that numskull of a boyfriend's head. He glares at Harry as he is happily chirping away, having a civil conversation with the taxi driver.

This man was the opposite of the driver they had yesterday: lanky and thin, has a rather high pitched voice, thin hair and dressed up in a button-up shirt. Certainly, the man must feel hot in this weather. Draco looked out the window, watching as more and more buildings appear around them. The atmosphere looked less hazy than when they had arrived, and Draco hoped he would be able to breathe. It would be a shame if he died.

The city was bustling, people leisurely strolled down the streets as they chattered amongst themselves. It was similar to the wizarding world, so Draco felt quite at ease. With Harry next to him, they begin making their way down the road as well, weaving themselves into the many residents of this town.

It was fun! They went into a bakery where Draco ate plenty of delicious pastries. They went into a shopping districts and tried on many weird suits and hats. They found a small photo booth in one of the alleys of that street and decided to take a few photos as well, for keepsake. Draco pondered if he should get a souvenir for Blaise and settled on a little snake badge, apparently made of real silver and encrusted with jade. He got one for himself as well.

"A true Slytherin." Harry chuckled as Draco proudly pinned the badge onto the collar of his shirt. Just as they exited the store, Draco stops in his tracks and his face falls. It takes Harry but a second to notice this change, another second to follow his gaze.

He was looking in the direction of a little flower store on the corner, but Harry knew that wasn't what he was startled by. It was the brunette girl that was outside, nonchalantly adjusting the flowers on display.

Pansy Parkinson.

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