chapter ten

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It was windy today, Draco noted as he stood on the balcony. The sun was nowhere in sight but the sky was still bright blue. It's been two hours now. Why was this so awkward? It's not like they've never had a fight before. Was it because it's been a while? Or.. had something changed? Draco gulped. He never minded the lack of Harry's presence back in the Wizarding world because he was always busy as well. Even if he did get occasionally cranky, it wasn't like they'd have a full blown argument over it. It wasn't like they talked about it.

He sighs, burying his face in his hands. His breath hovered in the space between, making his face feel warm.

He just wanted to spend time with Harry.

Harry paced back and forth in the kitchen. What was he thinking? Why'd he bring that up in the middle of vacation? This was ridiculous but it would be more awkward if he apologised! What could he do? Everything he does seems to backfire on him. They had a few days, specifically four, left and he was going to make it up to him.

The silence was beginning to become unbearable. Frustratedly, Draco ruffles his platinum blonde hair into a mess. If he was at Hogwarts, he would be fine but it's a different story when he's literally in a muggle villa on an impromptu vacation with his boyfriend that had forsaken him back in the Wizarding world.

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Potter, are you done sulking?" Draco shouts into the walls as he walked around the villa, only to recieve echoes. "Harry?"

"I don't know what to do, Hermione!"

"What do you mean? You've been dating for a while, you should know what he likes!"

"Yeah but what if I need something that he really, really likes? Or maybe he just lied about he likes to win my favour."

"Harry, you like pretty much everything– Ron! Only two basil leaves!"

"Well, what do you reckon Draco would like?"

"You tell me. Oh Merlin, Ron! Give me a second, Harry. Ron, you're putting too much basil. This is going to completely mess up the potion!" "Hermione, baby. I've done this millions of times before. Just trust me." "This time you're cleaning it if it explodes, got it?" "Yes, ma'am."


"Oh right! Harry. Why don't you just move in with Draco?" "Harry's on the phone?" "Shush!"

"Move.. in?"

"Yeah! You told me you were thinking of it before. Anyways, I've got to find shelter before Ron finishes this catastrophe of a potion. I'll see you in four days!"

Harry stepped out of the phone booth. Him and Draco under one roof... He'd get to wake up next to him, they'd kiss and make breakfast together.. It'd be perfect, a life with Draco. Harry smiled solemnly, Draco deserved the best and now that he thinks about it, he hasn't been quite that.

"I'm—" "Where the hell were you?" Harry opens the door, only to be welcomed back to a fuming Draco sitting right in front of him. Oh dear.

"I went out for some fresh air."

"Real nice, Potter. I was bloody worried sick! And you're so selfish, I was so scared that I had been abandoned in a world where I can't navigate because I trusted you so much to go on a surprise vacation. Do you know how much I–" "I'm sorry. I'm here now, aren't I? And I would never abandon you."

Draco hadn't even realised the tears of frustration that rolled down his pale cheeks. Gently, Harry wipes it off with his thumb.

"I've been really mean, haven't I?" Harry smiles. This smile was gentle. It was warm and mellow, like lying down in the soft sunlight under the pastel blue sky on a spring day. It instantly comforted Draco, who's frown turned into a pout.

"Yeah, arsehole." He huffed, still trying to frown but failing miserably.

"It's not much but I got you some fruit cake." Harry holds up a little cardboard box. Draco's heart softened. He didn't just go out for some fresh air, he wanted to make Draco feel better. Even if he was already feeling better, Draco's not going to show it because where's the fun in that?

"Leave it on the table." Draco sighs, pretending not to care. Harry gulps, what if their relationship won't recover from this? Surely it will. It must! "Okay." He replies stiffly, walking over to the wooden counter. Draco smiles as he watches Harry tensely pull the cake out, he can already tell that he's overthinking.

He slides his hand into his pockets. Smiling when his fingers finally hit a small leather box.

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