chapter thirteen

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Draco sat up.

"Potter. This isn't funny." Draco immediately says without thinking. His eyes were wide as they bore into Harry's avoidant ones. He was playing shy!

"It's not a joke." Harry's tone was sure and assertive, yet here he was fidgeting with his fingernails like a schoolgirl. What was going on? Draco didn't even know what to feel or think about first. Hell, he was happy and glad and excited and overwhelmed but at the same time confused and worried because this seems so out of the blue and impulsive! They have been barely out of school for half a year, they've been dating for half a year, they've still got so much things to sort out. There was already a lot of stress on the relationship because of how busy they both are, Draco didn't want to risk getting more stressed. He was quite glad they didn't live together, then they wouldn't be able to argue as much and cherish the time they spent together more but there's always the fear of Harry drifting.

"Are you sure?" Draco softly asks, gently slipping his hands onto Harry's panicky ones. Feeling Harry's arm soften, Draco begins to feel less anxious as well.

"Yes." Harry answers, his voice still firm. Draco nods as he slowly buries his face into the crook of Harry's shoulder. If Harry wants to, so be it. Draco had no rights to complain. Whatever coming will come, and they were going to move in sooner or later anyways. Now they could at least have more time to settle down together and sort out how to communicate.

"I'm hungry.. by the way." Harry suddenly speaks up, throwing off the entire mood of the room. Draco lets out a relieved chuckle, that was the second serious conversation they've had in a span of three days. He was more than happy to end this chapter.

They continue making their way through town, looking for small bakeries and cafés to have breakfast at. It was a real shame that they didn't see the town or the muggle world that much, despite having taken the trouble to travel there.

"That looks delicious!" "Steak for breakfast? Are you mad?"

The town was lively, chattering and laughter filled the morning air as little kids marched on their way to school. The sun peeked through the clouds and the sky was actually blue before the cars awoke. It was still quite early, the earliest they've been outside on this trip in all honesty.

"A photographer! Let's go." Draco grabs Harry's arm as he points at a little corner store. It was small and vintage-looking, no one was in the store except a little old man. The store was quite worn down, there were photos from Merlin knows when hanging on the walls.

"Hello, lads. An occasion? New job?" The old man greets, his voice sounded just like how the store looks like. Rough on the edges but oddly comforting.

"Haha, we're on vacation at the moment and we'd like some pictures to commemorate!" Harry replies quickly before Draco had even let the feeling of the store sink in.

"Hm.. That's odd. Nowadays all you lads have your own cameras, don't you? Even little lassies nowadays come by my store asking for a.. what was it? Polaroid, Spice Girls edition?" The old man chuckles. Harry thought about it for a second, it was odd that they didn't own a camera. And it would be useful as well, they're going to be making years worth of memories starting from now onwards. A muggle picture also couldn't talk unlike a wizard picture.

"Do you sell cameras, sir?" Harry asked politely.

"Oh.. Well, yes I do." The old man sounded disappointed for a second but quickly bounced back.

"We'll take the photos here!" Draco suddenly blurts, earning him a weird glance from Harry. "A-and get a camera." He finished with the blazing glare of Harry's burning into the side of his face.

"Wonderful!" The old man chirps.

"What was that all about?" Harry hissed as they walked out of the store.

"The old man looked so happy when we came in for photos, how could I object?" Draco sighed before quicjly recovering. "Don't you dare say a word, Potter. I am not soft. And either way, you got your camera."

He was a huge softie.

"Well, now we've got an hour to kill before the photos develope. What do you want to do?" Draco looked around the area. It seemed vaguely familiar.. but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hey, Potter.. Haven't we been here before?" Just as Draco finally connected the dots, a female voice called out to him.

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