My dear brother

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As long as you could you remember. You were always in your brother's shadow. You were the youngest. You should have always been spoiled. Not your brother. Despite that, you were a fairly happy child. Your brother did share and was kind to you. You had no real reason to hate your brother. You just snapped that night when there was a fight between you two. Over what? Mother and father just wanted to see his choir over watching you play your violin. You thought it wasn't fair at all.

"It not fair! You always hog up mom and dad just because of your way better and older than me. So what?! I can do just as good as you so why won't they look at me?!" You shouted at your brother who was frowning only a little. Before he could get a word in you cut him off "Oh yea because you're the man of the house and I'm just a little girl who can't do anything. Right? The only reason why you're so kind to me is that you pity me and that's it. You don't care do you?" You finish with tears in your eyes. Your brother tries to come in for a hug but you only push him away. "I'm not in the mood. I wished you died tonight. Painfully." then slammed the door in his face, not before seeing his sad teary eyes.

I ran to my bed and face planted into the pillows and cried my little heart out and even to sleep. At one point I woke up feeling someone on my bed I peeked to see who it was and saw it was my big brother. Me being still upset and mad over mom and dad not seeing me instead I ignored him and tried my best to fall back asleep. Only to overhear what he says to me.

"Dear (y/n) I'm so sorry that mom and dad won't see you over me. I am. I have been trying to make them see you instead of me but they aren't listening to me either. So if they won't see you ill skip my show to see you play your violin. Will that be alright with you? I hope you'll forgive me and I deeply hope you didn't mean what you said about me not caring I truly do. I always try my best. I love you more than 3000. Love, your big brother." he ends it with a kiss on the top of my head and softly walks out leaving the note on the drawer next to the door. I quietly cry to myself as I think over what I said about big brother. I didn't mean it.

'I was only jealous. I'm sorry brother. I shouldn't have acted like that to you.' i think to myself as I slowly fall back into sleep.

I yawn as I slowly start to get up. I'm half awake when I open the door to my brother's room to apologize to him. I scream as soon as I saw the half-dead body of my brother. Laying there. Half dead. On the brink of dead. I ran to him tears running down my face.

"(Y/n)." He softly says to me. "I'm sorry about yesterday. I know you love me right? I hope you know I deeply love you. I love you more than mom and dad ever will. Okay?" He smiled at me.

"Brother I'm so sorry about yesterday you're right I didn't mean any of that I love you more than anything and and and I'm just so sorry. Ok? I love you." I heard the door open and then pushed away from brother. I just sat there crying as I watched my parents panicked as they called the police and made sure he wasn't gonna die. I pushed in front of my parents once more and asked him "Who. Who did this to you?" I stated angerly.

"A man. With a large smile. I'm sorry (Y/n) I won't be able to see you play your violin. I love you." He barely panted out. And with the last of his moments. He just smiled as he looked at me. Softly.

I sobbed as I realized he's gone. And I couldn't move. My parents went to go let in the police and the police had to carry me away. I didn't want to move away from my brother's bed. I wanted my brother back. I felt into my pocket and realized the note was still in there and I just held onto it as I cried for the rest of the day.

Hi so its been like what. Four years now? oml. I cant even. So ima about to re write everything. I think i might do a slightly like MH type hoodie but not? Ya know?? I dont know to be honest.

So as i was writing the death scene i was crying i didnt understand why the fuck i was and i told myself im like the biggest baby on earth if im crying over a death that i made and knew that it was gonna happen. like come on me. So useless. Geez. But thank you all that are still here and im going to try my best to re write this and hopefully youll enjoy it.

Peace out, Lizz.

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