Trouble Sleeping?

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-Reader's POV-

I've counted sheep, I've talked to myself, and I've stared at the ceiling for a very long time without falling asleep. I had one more idea, but that requires getting up and going downstairs to get some milk. I didn't want to risk waking up Sam, but if I told her what happened I'm sure she'll understand. Getting off the bed and walking to the door as quickly yet quietly as possible in order to not wake Sam up and do it quickly all at the same time. As I'm closing the door I heard someone yelling, but not too loudly. I believed that only Sam's mother was here so I have no clue about who else was here. I went up to the door and put my ear on it only to hear the rest of the conversation. "I don't like waiting. Remember the first time you tried this shit?" The male growled to her. I didn't hear anything for a bit till I heard the bed squeak due to pressure applied to it. I heard the bed squeak again, but I don't know if that was due to another person that's sitting on it or getting up? How do I know the first one wasn't a person laying down and-... I shook my head and stopped myself from overthinking. Right now isn't the time to do that. I focused back on the talking. After a short bit, the rough deep voice asked a question that made my heart drop.

"So... Question. Who's that in the other room?" I froze. I wanted to listen to the response, but I wanted to leave. Yet I stood there. Heart pounding and frozen. Only Sam's mother's soft voice came out. "That's my daughter's friend. She's going to spend the night or live here for a little bit. Whichever I don't mind." She paused. I finally snapped out of it thinking one of them will open the door suddenly. Not wanting to get caught I quickly, but quietly went back to my room wanting to find out the rest of the conversation. I knew if I stayed there though... It would not be a great situation to be in.

As I slowly laid down in my bed I heard the door softly shut. My gut dropped and I laid there still. I didn't know if they passed by me or what. I couldn't hear any footsteps. I heard nothing. I laid there stiff... For the rest of the night passing out eventually.



"(Y/N)! Wakey wakey! It's time for breakfast!" A cheerful birdy sang happily into my ear. "Charlessssss sssstopppp." (I just now see that I never gave the brother a name. So, Charles, it is) I groaned out while putting the pillow on top of my head to quiet down the loud singing voice. "(Y/N)..." I heard Sam's voice quietly say. Once I realized who the voice belonged to I sat up quickly and looked at Sam. "Sorry... I didn't mean to call you Charles's name. You know he did that to me often to make sure I actually got up in the morning." I softly smile looking back at the memories of when he did it. I looked at Sam and smiled brightly. "So what's for breakfast?" I cheerfully asked. Sam smiled back at me while responding. "I know he did it to you silly. You would often complain about it with a smile on your face. Also! A healthy dose of a therapist is what's for breakfast!" Sam finished as she took an All Might pose. I rolled my eyes and got up from the bed stretching my arms and legs. "So... We're having human for breakfast. Is what you're actually saying." I smirked at my own comment readying my self for Sam's remark. Before Sam could get her remark out through Sam's mother opened the door and smiled when she saw I was up and awake.

"I see your awake now. That's good. I thought I'd have to come up here and wake you up with pots and pans." She laughed and smiled at me. I pouted "I'm not THAT much of a heavy sleeper." She softly laughed at my remark. "Well, come on down its waffles for breakfast with eggs. Scrambled eggs. Just how you like it." She said as she walked away from the door to go back into the kitchen. I walked back down with her just to see everything is already plated and everything I need is on the table. We all sat down and ate. It was quiet but in a peaceful way. When I was about to get up from the table to get seconds. Sam's mother looked at me worryingly. I tilted my head towards her as I asked her what was wrong? She only shook her head and smiled. "Please get more if you're still hungry. We have a somewhat busy day ahead of us." I only replied back by nodding. 

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