The Story

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"I was staying up late that night to get some studying done since the next day I had a few big tests coming up. It was about 3 in the morning. Maybe around 4. My brother's room is above mine so I heard him walking around. Of course, at first, I wasn't thinking too deeply into the movement in his room. When I heard more footsteps I was confused. My brother isn't the type to stay up late. He loved his sleep. When I was about to go up there I heard a thud. Like. A heavy thud and more footsteps. I was worried about my brother at that point. I thought my brother fell out of his bed, he could have hit his head on something and was bleeding. Yet my gut was telling me to not go up there. I went anyway since that was my brother I was worried but as soon as I went up the stairs I halted. Like my body refused to go any more than that. My gut told me to run. My blood ran cold. At first, I thought it was maybe a robber and the robber knocked my brother out or maybe the other way around, but I knew that wasn't possible. My brother was tall, but he wasn't the strongest. So I quickly but inaudibly went down the stairs then leaped to my room, closing the door behind me. First opening the window for a quick escape, then quickly glancing for my phone around the room to get into contact with the police. I found my phone on my table while grabbing it and calling 911 I hopped out of the window and closed the window behind me to make sure it seemed like I was still in the house or maybe I was hanging out with a friend. I ran into my neighbor's yard. Then laid on the ground behind some bushes. I quickly told the 911 operator what I believe is happening and where I was. I was. I was half calming down, but half not and won't be till I know everything is ok? Do you know what I mean?... Then while I was in their bushes I saw him. You could barely see the white on his hoodie since it was so bloody. From either fresh or old blood. I could easily see the whiteness of his face and when I mean white I mean as the fresh snow. When he turned to look at me, or maybe the bushes, I don't know, I could easily see the slits on his cheeks. I felt like he knew that I was in the bush. But he didn't do anything. He slightly slowed down, but he didn't do anything. By the time he walked past the bush, he was up the stairs to my neighbor's house knocking on the door. I stayed there. I couldn't move. I was frozen with fear. Then I heard the sirens going off in the distant background. The killer didn't even move. He still stood there. Soon enough the door opened. I don't know what happened after that. I know that he killed them since when the police came knocking on the door to ask some questions, no one answered so they had to get a lockpick smith to open it and when they did there were the two old couples dead in the front of the doorway. Then with him nowhere to be seen. But there was something written, very messy, but you could still somehow read it. They gave me the letter to read at least and what I remember the most is the fact that he noticed and mentioned me in that letter. That's when I gave the police what I saw that day. A white, but bloody hoodie with a snow-white face with slits going across his cheeks. I didn't get enough light to see where the slits ended, but that was enough to the police."


My phone cuts off...

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