Alone, once more

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Later the police came and took my dead brother's body away I locked myself in my room. I just sat there between crying and rocking myself while just muttering to myself. I couldn't believe he was gone. 'Why didn't he scream or yell? Why? What happened. How did this happen? It wasn't fair at all. I hate this.' My thoughts were cut off when I heard a beat at the door. My heart leaped into my throat as I hoped it was my brother playing a cruel joke to me. But it wasn't. I turn to face the door as I hear the door slowly opens and I see a policeman with a soft smile most likely trying to make me feel better. As if a smile is gonna cheer me up. I just want my brother back.

"(y/n) I would like to ask you some questions about your brother if you won't mind," he spoke softly to me. As if I was going to break at the mention of my brother. I almost did. I only nodded my head back at him. He nodded his head back. "Ok. would you like to tell him what happened yesterday before all this happened?"

"Yes, yesterday we got into a fight because I was upset that my mother and father weren't gonna see me to my violin show but they were gonna see the brother's so I got jealous of brother and I got mad at him and I yelled at him and shut the door in his face. I woke up to him reading me a letter he wrote about how he hopes I didn't mean about how he doesn't care for me and.." I get quieter knowing I have to sooner or later tell him about what I said. So I took a deep breath and slowly explained to him what I said to him but I truly didn't mean and I didn't think it would happen. "When I woke up I went to go see my brother and say sorry to him because I realized last night when he was speaking to me that I didn't mean what I said and I wanted to make up with him. Yet when I woke up I saw him half dead on the bed. I screamed and I ran over to my brother and he talked to me slowly. I knew he was slowly bleeding to death. He told me he loved me and he knew that I didn't mean the things I said to him. I then heard my parents were coming up the stairs and and and... " I almost didn't finish. I sucked in air into my lungs to somehow calm myself down and blinked away the tears. "They pushed me away to look at him and I sat there freaking out for a bit then when they called you guys. I pushed them away to ask him who hurt him and why didn't he scream for help or anything. He only answered my first question. He said a man with a large smile. Then he told me he loved me and..." I stopped. I wanted to stop breathing but I didn't. I finally broke down. "He died. With a soft smile on his face. In front of me." The police officer nodded his head at me then patted my head then up and left.

I was alone. I had my parents sure but I'm sure they'd still ignore me thinking that I had something to do with this. I don't know. I kinda don't wanna know. I want nothing to do with them. I just wish.. Wish. This didn't happen. I kept thinking about what could have happened if I just told him I'm sorry that night when he was in my room and just cried to him and just asked him to forgive him and just to stay there with me. I wish he screamed or yelled for help. Anything. I just gave up on thinking and just laid in bed. Trying not to think of my brother. Him dying with a smile while looking at me.

Before I knew it I fell asleep and when I looked at the clock it was 7 in the afternoon. I didn't know what to do after all that's happened. I still got up and check on mom... She was talking on the phone with someone. ABout something. I couldn't listen in. I don't want to listen to anything. So I moved on and I looked for my father. He was on the computer. Once again. I don't wanna know what they're doing so I just turned and went back to my room. I leaned on the door as it shut close. When I heard the click. I felt the tears on my eyes over my eyelash almost spilling over my eyes and trying to blink them away I only made them spill. I shook my head. 'I can't cry every time I'm alone in my room. I moved over to my dresser that held all my clothes and laptop in/on it. I opened m laptop ready to play some upbeat music. Trying to cheer me up. Turning up the music a little so mom and dad won't get too disconcerted with me. I felt the music for a few songs and when I felt ready to dance I got up and danced to a few songs.

Feeling now ok for a moment and sweaty I took a shower to cool off the work out I had. Once I got in I saw brother's body wash he'd always use. I started to slightly cry then that slight cry came down to sobbing. Once I had my tears in control I looked at it and washed my self with it. I wanted to be reminded of him. I missed him. I felt a pang in my heart. It was filled with guilt. I hate it. I only sighed and went on with what I was doing in the shower.

Once I got out I noticed that it was quiet. No tv going, which mom would always be on, no clicking from the computer, which my dad would be on. I ran to my room to get dressed and once I did. I saw no one in the house. I didn't understand why, but I just left it alone. Like how they love to make me feel alone. Yea... "Now I'm truly alone. No one to talk with or to hang out with. No one to vent to or anyone to understand me in this household.." I only grumbled to myself. I passed by the kitchen counter with a note to it.
'(y/n), the police will be over here tomorrow to check out the scene of the crime do not touch anything in that room. We're in a hotel room. Go to a friend's house or something. Let them know you'll be there for a few weeks or something. Just don't bother with us for a little bit. You're 16, you got this. -Dad & mom'

I set down the note and went back upstairs thinking who I need to ask/ tell I need a house to sleep in for a little bit till everything is done. "I guess... Sammy wouldn't mind if I spent the night for a few nights..." I thought out loud to my self. Looking for my phone to text her, I found my brother's hoodie that I've always stolen because it was so warm. I felt the tears on the brim of my eyes but I tried to push them back. While holding back the urge to cry I finally found my phone and instead of texting Sam, I called her knowing hearing her voice will help me calm down a little.
"Hey Sammy, I have a question. Do you mind if I stay at your house for a week? maybe two if needed." I asked with a hushed tone.

Assumed she's taken back she takes a moment to respond.
"Yea, sure why? Is it really important or do you just want to get away from your parents again??" She lightly jokes with me with a sliver of concern. Trying to brighten my mood in some type of way.

I shook my head though I know she can't see my I still shook it. "No there's an actual reason..." I took a moment thinking back as to what happened only hours ago. "My brother..." The tears finally slipped down my cheeks. "He's dead. And.. And I need a place to sleep. My parents have a hotel checked out for themselves and." I took a moment to cry slightly "They told me to find a place to sleep for a little bit till everything is better." I finally broke down crying once more but only mumbling nonsense I could only assume she thinks I was saying. Sam just sat there on the phone with me trying to calm me down. After a good cry, she asked me to look outside. I did as I was told and I saw her outside already.

I quickly pack my bags, not forgetting about my brother's hoodie, and ran out the door not caring if the door was locked or not. I could care less. I opened the back seat door and threw my stuff in there. I checked my pockets for everything. I felt my phone, earbuds, and I knew my charger was in my bag. I sighed and shut the door to the back seat and opened the door to the front and climbed in.

-Hiya there itsa me. mario... Jk its Lizz here. I wanted to post this on my birthday (Which was on the 24th) but I didn't because. Ya girl is lazy. Also, im not proud of myself with this because im no good at starting off a fanfiction but when it comes down to getting it to the middle (????)and ending it im actually pretty good at it. (at least I think to think I am...) So im kinda happy I got this out in good timing I guess??? I don't know it would actually take me a month to update just because of im so lazy, but I pushed through it because my friends on discord like to read this and embarrass me (which I don't mind they're having fun with it and they help me with feedback so ^0^) I hope everyone has a good night/day/afternoon. Please take care of yourself and love one another!!! 

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