The Money

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"What the fuck.." I mutter to myself. I pressed the power button and the screen was still black. I held the button down for 10 seconds and it still wouldn't turn on. I took a second to get my eyes adjusted to the darkness around me. "Maybe it went dead.." I looked around carefully again feeling for it in the blankets maybe, but I couldn't find it. I looked over the side of my bed looking for my book-bag believing that it's in there. When I reached out to it and tried to slid it to me it only fell over. Sighing I get up and pick up the book bag up from the floor then put it on my bed so if I ever need anything then I can I get it from my bed than to risk waking up Sam. Which would be a mistake to do. Digging through my book-bag trying to find the charger without a flashlight is kinda hard to do. I looked through the smaller pockets the book-bag had and I couldn't feel it in there so I opened the pocket where all my clothes were and felt for it at the bottom. "Damn, where the fuck is it?" After a while of looking for it with cursing at my self in my head, I pushed the book-bag away and now felt for my phone around me. When I felt something cold, but not quite the shape of my phone I slightly hoped it was the charger. And it was.

But now.

I need to look for my phone. That has disappeared while I was looking for the charger. "Oh great." I groaned to myself. While looking for my phone I put the charger in the plug and put the long charging cord on my bed so then I don't have to look for it while I find my phone. I'm feeling around for my phone which I think is around my waist or maybe around my legs... Yet I couldn't find it. I only sighed and laid back down trying to fall back asleep hoping to maybe wake up at 6:50 in the morning hearing the alarm going off since I didn't turn off the alarm for it. For a while, I looked at the wall making shapes with my eye trying to avoid thinking about topics I don't want to think about. But my mind wandered off anyway.

-UnKnow PoV-

looking at the address BEN gave me I looked up and looked at the street and the number on the mailbox to make sure it was the same one. It was the right one. I looked around me once more to see if anyone was around and I didn't see anyone. After all, it was around 4:35 in the morning. Sighing I looked for a window around the house. When I finally found one it was locked. In the back yard. I didn't want to try the front yard window. No, that would be too risky. Even though there isn't anyone around that doesn't mean. Someone can get up and look at the window to see me getting into the house. That would be weird and very hard to explain. Looking up at the second floor in the back yard I figured that would be the next best thing if I don't want to use the front yard window. "This may be a dumb idea to try, but its worth a shot." I muttered to no one. I walked up to the back of the porch and looked through the glass door. It didn't seem locked so I grabbed the handle to the door and hoped they didn't have a security system in the house. I slowly pulled it to the side to make sure it doesn't make to much noise.

Once I pulled enough of it to make room for me, I slowly shut it again behind me. I look around and saw stairs leading up to the 2nd story of the house. Walking up the stairs slowly I could hear rustling around in the bedroom. I opened the door ever so slightly to look inside to see what's happening. I only found a hunched over shadow digging through a bag looking for something. Before busting into the room thinking that its the right person I needed, I walked softly away to look around the house to see if anyone else is up and moving around. It would make things harder if so. Just down the hall, I saw another door but when I went up to it I could hear them slightly panicking. I smiled.

I believe this is the person I was looking for. Before I opened the door I put my ear against the door to better hear what she's saying. I knew she was panicking, but I love hearing them panicking every time I come to pick up the money.

"I can't believe they're coming early today, god I'm scared. I have everything right? What if they got tired of me now and they need to end me... What if-" I cut her off by opening the door to her room then quickly closing it. "Trust me, We won't end you as long as you answer the questions honestly when we ask them and as long as you give us the money that we ask for. Which you indeed have it looks like. You won't dare cheat us out of the money. Even if it's off by one." I walked closer to her face pulling out a gun smirking behind the mask material. "You know what's going to happen, correct?" Staring straight into her eyes, all I could see was. Pure. Fear. Seeing the fear in her eyes only made me hold back a whole hearty laugh and just chuckled instead.

After a couple of seconds of my chuckling, she finally backed away and looked away. I stepped away waiting and looking at her. When I waited a good few seconds and she still didn't move I finally snapped at her. "Where's the money? Go get it now. I don't like waiting. Remember the first time you tried this shit?" I barked to her. When she finally got the hint she rolled over to the other unused side of the bed and ducked under it. I knew she wasn't going to do anything. If she did, she would have a hard time explaining to the cops what happen and we both know that I don't die so easily. She learned that pretty quickly. Her head popped back up with a bag full of money. As she put the bag of money down I threw down another bag, but this one was empty money. Once she took the empty bag she popped back down to place the bag under the bed. As she did that I then took the bag full of money. "So.. Question. Whos that in the other room?" I questioned her as she popped her head back up.

She only shook her head as she answered. "That's my daughter's friend. She's going to spend the night or live here for a little bit. Whichever I don't mind." She smiled softly then continued. "She's a super sweet girl. Sadly her brother died about a day ago" Then she slowly started to frown "And I assume her parents didn't want them to go room with them so she came here as they investigate what happened in her house." She sighed. "Is she up is that why you asked?" I didn't even respond to that question. I only drifted off into my thoughts. I'd have to look into this mess because if its a mess left by someone in there then one of us would have to clean it up and for once in my life I'd rather not be the one cleaning things up.

Sighing as I walk to the door then looking at her. "Remember. In another two months, we'll be back." I walked out and closing the door behind me. Going down the stairs and opening the back door again then closing it. I stood there for a second and checked the time. "4:53 AM? Not bad... I can walk back without having to hurry." I slung the bag full of money across my body. "All right. Time to head back." I say to no one around me as I pull a cigarette out of my pocket. Ready to rock and roll.

Sooo i don't often update on here, but i try anyway. I first post it on Quotev then on her after months of realizing that i didn't post on here which I'm sorry. 


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