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I didn't know what we were to be honest. Like we weren't exclusive I know that for sure. But we had been hanging out quite a bit. We hadn't fucked yet, which was fine-ish because we had only been "together" for a couple weeks. It was a very confusing thing to explain.

Anyway today the twins want me to film a video with them. Like a Q&A or sm for there
YouTube channel. So me, que and gawa we're heading over there now.

As soon as we walk in the door, I'm hanging off of Ques arm by the way, Elijah films me walk in. He seems to put it on his story or something.
I drop ques arm and walk over to him
"Broo, delete it" I say as he pulls his arm away
"Sheesh fuck outa here" I say trying to get him to delete it.

Then fucking Issac goes live
"Hey hey hey Aye look who it is, hoho your the whitest person" issac says
I side eye que and he rolls his eyes

I keep trying to grab it as issac shows gawa on live
"What up graham" issac says
"What's good" gawa said
"What's going on Scott Scott" issac says

"Please delete it, no one can know about me and Brandon" I mumble seriously to Elijah
"Ah" he says he seems to delete it
"Yeah bro" que returns

"Y-you good trust me you good" issac says to me
"No it's-" I said
"You good" issac interrupts me
"Nah" que says

I walk over to Issac and realise he's on live
"Issac!" I complain
"I'm on my shit, can't nobody see you" he yells
"Broo, the fuck" I return
"Nobody saw you" he says

I pause and just stare at him, letting him know I was serious
"Wait wait wait" he laughs
"That's not Billie, say that's not billie" I yell
"It's not Billie it's illie" he says

I roll my eyes and he finally stops the live

"Okay whatever, should we just film this video" I say slightly annoyed now
"Yeah, yea" issac says

We go over to the seating they've set up
Que and Gawa just sit on the couch watching

They start the video and then I jump in
We answer a few questions and have a few laughs and then Elijah asks one

"If you were stuck on an island with one person who would it be and if you could only bring one thing what would it be?" Issac asked

Eli said his answer

"Um I'd probably go to Singapore. Have you been?" I said
"Uh uh" issac said
"Hooo, you can't do anything there it's so clean, like you can't swear, you can't spit, you can't chew gum, gum is legally not aloud in Singapore, it's nice though it's weird." I said

"Who would I take?" I said
"I feel like you'd take like Zac Efron or sm" Eli said
"Bro what, nah" I said
"What is that even suppose to mean. Zac Efron, What the fuck" I laughed

"If I could take anyone?" I said
"Um I have someone in mind but I'm not gonna say it... my mom" I said looking Que dead in the eye
"Oh yeah" issac said

"'Nah i been there with my mom" I said
"You have somebody in mind?" Eli asked
"I do have somebody in mind but I'm not gonna say it" I said
"Do we know this somebody?" Eli said
"Yeah" I said
"Oh so we know this someone. Oh okay"

I just smirked

We finished up the video and then just chilled for a bit.

"So are two like dating?" Eli asked
Que immediately responded
"We're not like dating- dating, just like uhh seeing each other?" He kinda asked me and himself
"Yeah I guess were just hanging out, nothing exclusive" I said

He just looked at me

We left soon after that and he drove me and Gawa home
Gawa was still in the car when we got to mine so I didn't kiss him.
"I'll walk you in." He said
"Uh you don't have to" I replied
"Gawa I'll just be a minute" he said ignoring me

His arm went around my shoulder as we walked up the drive.
"You know bil about what you said at the twins, I get it, so we not exclusive" he asked
"I mean like I'll probably won't talk to any other guys but I don't want you to feel like you can't like I fully don't mind" I lied

I just felt like I was holding him down in a way, and I felt a bit like I was kinda annoying him. Even though he was always the one to talk to me.

"Okay sure whatever you want" he said turning towards me
I just smiled and kissed him outside my door
"See ya sev"
"Bye mamas"

I walked in and my mom and dad were sleeping so I walked quietly passed them and into my room. But before I opened my door finneas walked out of his

"Who was that with you?" He asked
"It's my friend Brandon, you know the twins friend" I said
"You kissed him Bil" he said
"Okay.. and are you spying on me?" I said with an attitude
"Yeah of course I am I'm your brother" he said

"Please just mind your own business" I said walking into my room I closed my door but he stopped it and followed me in

"You know I'm only worried about you, I've seen you get hurt by assholes before" he said
"Okay I appreciate that but Ques not an asshole, and besides it's nothing even serious" I said lying on my bed

"How even old is he, he doesn't look your age?" He asked
"None of your business" I said
"How old is he billie?" He repeated
"22" I mumbled
"Billie what the fuck, you know how illegal that is" he yelled quietly

"Don't you think I know that, but I actually think I like him and I can't help it" I said
"Oh bil, what have you gotten yourself into now" he said sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulder

It made me think, it was going to be hard. But I didn't even know if he wanted a relationship with me. I just hope I didn't get to attached to him before it was too late

Billie and Brandon: The way we've always beenWhere stories live. Discover now