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Tonight me, que, prince and gawa were going out for dinner and a movie. Christmas was 2 days ago and honestly I'm glad it's over I'm just ready for the new year. I have big things planned for the new year.

"Bil Gawa and Prince are leaving now when are you gonna be ready" que yelled to me from my room
I was in the bathroom getting ready
"Just two minutes bro" I said walking back into my room
"You know I hate it when you call me bro" he said
"Fine my darling, two minutes" I said sarcastically
"Oh nah, stick with bro" he laughed

I walked passed my bed to get something and he grabbed my waist pulling me down on top of him
I straddled him

"Billie have you finished writing- uhh" finneas said realising I was on top of Que
I just stared at him waiting for him to finish still sitting on Brandon.
"Uh hi Brandon" he said
"Hey" he returned

"Have I finished writing what?" I asked
"The verse for when I was older" he said
"Oh yeah hold up I just have to fix one thing" I said getting off que and getting my notebook
"Okay just bring it in when your ready" he said and left

I quickly changed one little detail and made sure I was happy with it
Que was just watching me
"Can I read it?" He asked
"Um I guess" I said

I felt very vulnerable because although when I was older had nothing to do with my life, the only verse in the song was about Que.
'I'm on my back again
Dreaming of a time and place
Where you and I remain the best of friends
Even after all it ends'

I had a constant fear of loosing him
Like I had done before

I couldn't read his face while he was reading it
"This sounds really good" he said
"Thank you" I said

I could tell he knew it was about him

We arrived at the movies after dinner and it was pretty late. We were going to see some random horror movie.

Sevens mood had changed after he took a phone call during dinner. He was just acting really sad and not talking that much.

"What's wrong with Que?" I said to Gawa after que went to the bathroom
"I don't know I thought maybe you would know" he said
"He got a call I think from his moma after he was pretty pressed" Prince said
"He's acting like a little sad puppy dawg" Gawa said
We laughed but truly I was worried about him

Through the whole movie he didn't say a word
When we walked out of the movie theatre he trailed very far behind us
Gawa pulled out his phone and filmed me, prince and then showed how far sev was behind us

"Come on puppy dawg" he said
Sev was taking me home so we said our goodbyes to Prince and Gawa
"Tell me if you know anything" Gawa whispered in my ear while hugging me
I nodded and said goodbye

We walked to his car but he still didn't say a word
Once we got in the car I decided to ask him if he was all good
"Are you alright sev, your mood changed real quick" I said
He stayed looking out the window
"Yeah I got a call from my mom, my gdad had a heart attack, He okay for now I'm just worried about him" he said
"Oh shit I'm sorry baby, he's going to be alright I promise he's young still" I said

"How do you know he's gonna be okay" he snapped
I didn't reply. I didn't know how to reply, I never had grandparents.
"Sorry for snapping, he's kinda like a father figure to me, for when my dad wasn't there. Like my dad was there just not as often as I would have loved and my old pops taught me all I know. Plus me and my mom lived with them for a while when I was growing up" he said

I just put my arms around his shoulders and lay my head on his shoulders. Mentally telling him I was there for him.
He kissed my forehead and pulled away from my embrace.

"Billie.." he said
"Yeah?" I asked
"Uh um I really fucking like you, I ain't never really felt this way for a girl before." He said
I was shocked honestly, I don't know why we were a thing weren't we?
"Shit sorry I didn't mean to just throw that on you" he said

"No no it's fine I'm just confused, because I really like you as well" I smiled
He smiled back
"So what does that make us, like I wouldn't mind you being my girlfriend, but we don't have to put a label on it" he said
"I don't know I kinda like the idea of being someones " I said

"I just i don't want to like uh just so you know I have like 10 tours this year" I said
"Yeah I know I'm willing to have you and we will deal with that when it comes" he smiled
"Oh well then we can make it work" I said

And then he leaned in and kissed me. It was just a normal kiss but it felt like when we first kissed.
Fuck I really liked him. And I knew how hard it was going to be this year. But I was willing to risk it for him.

Billie and Brandon: The way we've always beenWhere stories live. Discover now