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Tonight is New Year's Eve. Thank god this year is over. I'm just ready for a new year and for my new album to come out. Actually yesterday I finished one of the songs on the album. I have multiple songs finished but this one is special.

It's called ilomilo. I love it so much because it is different to any song I have ever written. It is obviously about the game ilomilo but it is mainly about the constant fear of loosing someone. That someone being Que in my case.

I really like him but I feel so insecure about our relationship. I'm just waiting for the day that he says he has found someone else. Someone better. I haven't told him it's about him. Although he has written a song about me and has openly told me it was for me. A song on his new ep coming up called Issa f77lin.

I love it and he dedicated it too me.
Right now I'm headed to a New Year's Eve party that Sevens friend Vamp moms is throwing. I know that all of vamps family is going to be there plus all of our friends. I'm excited for it to just be small and bring in the new year.

Me, Seven and the twins are headed there right now.
"I think my mom, step dad and Tyler are coming to visit Pat quickly before they go back home." Que said
My heart sunk. I had not met his mom yet and I was freaking out. I think he noticed me tense up in the passenger seat because he then said
"You Okay Bil? You look a little pale" he asked

"Oh yeah I'm fine just I've never met your mom before" I said honestly
"Oh don't worry Billie she is the nicest person you'll ever meet" Isaac said
"Yeah trust me she is so chill with all the girls Que used to bring home" Eli said
"Eli!" Que yelled

He just gave a questioning look to que
"I didn't bring that many girls home" he said to me
"No it's okay I don't mind I would be surprised if you didn't I mean look at you" I smirked
"Eww" the twins both yelled
"Oh grow up" I spat

We arrived at the party and I managed to meet everybody that was there. All of vamps family were so nice to me when they really didn't have to be.

About 20 minutes went passed and then Ques mom walked in with his step father and little sister.
I started to get really nervous. Que left my side to greet them and pulled my hand so I would follow him.

"Oh hello my son, I have missed you" she said engulfing him in a big hug.
"It's only been 2 weeks since I last saw you mom" he smiled
"Hey Ty, hows school?" He asked patting her on the head
"It's good" she smiled

His mom was gorgeous. You could tell he got his looks from her. She was must have had Que young because she didn't look old at all.

She then turned to me and we locked eyes. She came over to me
"And you must be the Billie that we have heard all about." She said hugging me
"Yup that's me, it's so nice to finally meet you" I said
Normally I ain't this polite to adults but I felt like I had to be. Plus she was way nicer than normal adults

"You are absolutely gorgeous" she said
"Thank you so are you" I returned
"Yup you both are amazing but mom, can you you know, go find pat" Que said
"Oh yeah of course where's she at" she asked
"I think on the balcony" he said

She left the party after talking to everybody. I was outside eating dinner with Prince and Gawa just fucking around but I hadn't seen Que in a while.

"Have any of y'all seen que?" I asked
"Nah not in a while" Gawa said
"Maybe he's inside?" Prince said

"Yeah I'll go check" I said getting up and walking inside
But before I could even begin to look around
Eli grabbed me and started filming me
"Ooo it's New Years we out here turning up" he said
I just smiled trying to get out of his tight grip by awkwardly dancing but then Issac came up and Eli filmed us again

Billie and Brandon: The way we've always beenWhere stories live. Discover now