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"Yeah hey baby" Que answered
"Are you at home?" I asked
"Nah I'm actually at the studio, why?" He said
"I miss you, wanna come out with me I gotta go to Home Depot for some shit and then maybe we could go to dinner or something, only if your not busy" I asked
"I'm not busy" he said
"Oh cool want me to pick you up I'm already out" I asked
"Yeah that sounds good see you soon?" He said
"Yuh bye sev"
"Bye mamas"

I hadn't been driving long at all so I couldn't drive by myself yet. My mom wanted me to drop her off at yoga. Luckily her yoga is like 5 minutes away from Sevs studio I know I wasn't aloud to but I would drive that 5 minutes then pick Que up and he has his full.

I pulled up to the studio and went inside. No one was really around at the moment it was weird. I walked into the studio and saw him through the glass. He looked so cute. I opened the door without him realising because he was playing a song. I'm guessing it was Issa F77lin because it kept saying it's a feeling.

I sat down on the couch and just listened to the lyrics. He said this song was about me and I actually loved it. I hadn't really heard many of his songs. I watched as he bobbed his head up and down to the music, fiddling with different buttons. The song ended and I clapped.

He jumped and turned around.
"Fucking hell Bil don't sneak up on me like that, I almost shit myself" he said

"Sorry" I giggled
"I like the song by the way" I smiled
"Thank you it's dedicated to you" He said standing up and walking over to me

He stood in front of me and lifted up my chin
"You look gorgeous today" he said
I blushed
"And also I was thinking how did you drive here.. by yourself" he asked
"I dropped my mom at yoga and then drove here" I said
"Billie you could have gotten pulled over" he said
"But I didn't plus your going to be my qualified driver" I said jumping up

"Ok fine"he said
I dragged him out to the car

As I got to my car though two girls cans running up to me
"Billie! Billie! No way this is not happening" they screamed
"Hey you guys look gorgeous" I said
"Can we please get a picture" one of the girls said
"Sure" I said

One of the girls turned to Que and said
"Excuse me would you mind taking our photo" she asked
I gave que a sorry look as he agreed
We took the picture and they were on there way
Whispering to each other and looking back at Que

"Sorry about that" I said
"Hey it's fine they were cute" he said
"It's still annoying they ask you though" I said
"Who else were they going to ask?" He said getting into the car
I shrugged

When I turned on the car I played some music. I was kinda dancing
"Wait keep going I wanna video you" que said

"Better make room, vroom, here the lambo" I mouthed to the song
"Send that to me" I said
"On it" he returned

I posted it to my story.

"You like my dragon" I said
"Really?" He said
"Fuck yeah" I said

I decided to post it to my account with the caption, me and my dragon.
I knew people would think I'm talking about the car..

We pulled up to Home Depot and by now it was like 7 at night so luckily not many people were here.

I got what u needed to get and then i turned around and Que had a massive rug in between his legs walking around

"You fucking bozo" I laughed
I pulled out my phone and recorded me kinda crab walking.
Him in the background walking with that fucking rug

I turned around and just stared him down, trying my hardest not to laugh. I stopped the video and we paid and left.

"Where you wanna stop for dinner" I asked
"Maybe that Mexican restaurant you love" he said
"Yeah alright" I said

We drove there and went inside. Ordering our shit. And we ate.
"I gotta go to Europe soon" I said
"Billie don't bring this up now" he said
"I'm sorry I just can't leave you" I said
"It's gonna be hard but that's why we have to enjoy time right now" he smiled putting his hand on mine

I half-smiled
"I guess" I said

After we finished eating we decided just to go home. Que was gonna come stay at mine cause I wasn't feeling the best. I just needed someone to be there with me. I needed him.

I intertwined my arm in his as we walked out of the restaurant. I put my hood up so no one would recognise me.

When we got home I was so tired. I wanted to do shit with him tonight but I physically couldn't. I think I was just drained. He just took off his shirt and climbed into bed. I threw on one of my long button up shirt. I cuddled up close to him to sleep. He wanted to watch something.

So we put on the office but I fell asleep in minutes.

Something about being in his arms made me able go sleep easy. Normally I would struggle with falling asleep.

But before I fell asleep I heard Que whisper
"I love you billie"
I think he thought i was sleeping.

I didn't answer because I was scared and I didn't want to make things awkward.

This is such a shit chapter excuse me

Billie and Brandon: The way we've always beenWhere stories live. Discover now