" its just a bad day , not a bad life"
" Start telling yourself ' you can do it, you can rise' then you get a good result "
" Give time to yourself to move on, try to think rasional. Think before you do "
" Remember not every heroes wears mask "
" Every sadness came to you, soon will be happiness. Just be patient. "
"Its in the middle of the night,
And you still thinking about it?
Well if you don't know how to get to sleep try think about the happiest thing that ever happen to you..........................
What? You can't , why not try to listen to a song that can make you sleep........
Still can't sleep? Hmmmm, try to count to 1 million... start from 1.....2....3...4...5..6...7...8..9....10.....""Cry cry all the way you wanted,
You have been so much
Let the moons and stars hear your cry.
Its okay to cry sometime,
No matter how strong you are infront of all the peoples around you.
Its okay to cry now,
It will help to gain strength to yourself,
Its okay you can cry
Everyone's cry,
Its fine you can cry all you wanted."