Meeting people

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On the first day of college I was nervous because I didn't know anyone who was doing my course. Well I do remember one girl I met when we went to look at who was in our course. A girl called Becs. We ended up becoming really good friends. There is also another girl called Poppy, we didn't get along on the first day and the rest of the year. We had fun making bread on the first day I never did proper catering course. My teacher made me slightly nervous because he knew my dad very well. They used to work together. I didn't let that bother me and when I got home I was so excited to tell my parents about the day I had at College . The only thing I didn't like about College Was the hub which is the canteen because it was so busy. It was hard to find tables to sit with your friends, if you didn't fined one you ended up just eating in the corridor waiting for your next lesson to happen. On the first day I only had a three hour lesson so I've got to go home early but as a kind person I was I waiting for my friends. Then the next day I have maths and English and I was so lost that I asked a very nice guy called James where my maths class was. It turns out that we were both in the same maths class. He introduced me to some of his friends that were in the class as well and we just naturally started talking. I found that we had a lot in common. We both had a PS4 and loved to play the same games. We also had the same taste in music. We became close friend a group of us would talk on facetime everyday after collage.  I meet his girlfriend on facetime. Then I meet another boy in my maths class called Owen, we close as well. We would talk everyday. My friend from school Chantelle say something did seem right about him but I didn't care. He was nice to me. We would all talk about gaming and our favorit singers . Then I meet a guy called Marshal and his friend Alex. Marshal reminded me of my dad but a younger version of him. A funny guy who likes rock music and motorbikes. Alex remined me of myself. A shy girl when meeting new people but a very funny bubble persanality.

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