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I hate that he never breaks down when I hurt him. He never cries, never begs me to stop. It's like as if...

As if he is used to feeling hurt... But why would he? He is living a perfect life after all.

So today, I beat him up and yell at him:

"Why don't you cry and sob?! Don't you feel pain? I WANT YOU TO FEEL HURT!"

But he just smiles sadly and says,

"I'm familiar with pain"

I start laughing at his words. "You, familiar with pain? You don't know what real pain feels like! Do you think that scratching your knee or making your mommy sad is the definition of pain? Huh? Don't be stupid! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!"

Taehyung stands up from the ground with a blank expression, completely unaffected by my words, and says:

"Don't judge a book by it's cover" then walks away.

.......what the actual fuck?


A/N : hmmm... What do u think? 😅

Do you like the story so far?👽

Thanks for reading tho 💜💜


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