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I've been searching for the boy who kicked me in the balls yesterday for I whole day. I searched in the hallways, the classrooms, hell, I even searched the toilets, but I still couldn't find him.

I don't know why I'm wasting my time searching for him, but I guess it's because he sometimes confuses me (?)

Like sometimes, I feel like he is a spoiled brat, and some moments I feel that he is hurt and suffering from god-knows-what. His words from yesterday are still haunting my mind..

"Too bad that you aren't used to feel pain like me."

Really?! He doesn't even know what I've gone through! My mother is out there probably searching for me and stalking me, and there he goes telling me that I don't know how pain feels like?!

" You aren't the first person to break my nose."

Well, my nose was broken many times too, and I don't think that just because his nose was broken many times, that means that he is familiar with pain. He is such a crybaby. Thinking that his life is full of pain just because he broke his nose more than one time


But nevertheless, saying that I was shocked yesterday would be an understatement. I was beyond shocked. His kick yesterday was so fucking hard!

It's weird that he had this strength all this time, but he never fought back until yesterday. Someone with a strong kick like him would have easily defended himself when I hurt him...

That is another reason why I'm searching for him. I want to see if he will fight back again. Fighting with him would be way more interesting than just using him as my punching bag!

Some faint voices coming from a near classroom distract me from my thoughts. I go nearer, just to hear a very familiar voice which belongs to the person I've spent hours searching for saying:

"P-promise me that you won't l-leave me, o-okay?"

Huh?! What the fuck is going on here?

I look from the key hole of the door, just to see Taehyung, standing in front of a boy.

No wait, not any boy, but that one that caught me hitting Taehyung in the hallway. What was his name again? Oh yea, Jimin.

That Jimin guy looked worriedly at Taehyung. Looks like they are having an important conversation.

Wait! What if...

What if Taehyung is confessing his feelings for Jimin??

Omg right! If that is the case, hearing this conversation will sure be fun.

"Of course I won't leave you Tae... Why would you even think that? I'm your best friend..." Jimin says.

Oopsie, looks like Taehyung got friend-zoned.

I look again from the hole, and see an indescribable expression on Taehyung's face. It didn't look like a face someone would make after getting friend-zoned. It was more like the face someone would make...

When they are going to open up their heart to someone and tell them something that may change their lives.

Huh, looks like this really is going to be interesting...

Taehyung takes a deep breath, and starts talking...

And talking...

Not knowing that there was someone listening to him behind the door.

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