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The week passes in a blur and it's already Friday without me and Taehyung noticing.

Everything has been going fine lately. Taehyung started warming towards me little by little, and those uncomfortable moments between us are almost gone.

That doesn't mean that nothing weird or embarassing happened thought- I once walked into Taehyung changing his clothes in my room.

He was naked- yes, again. 

And he accidentally saw my baby blue underwear with little cute sharks on it. I told him that I don't wear it anymore, but well... He didn't believe me.

He even told me that I would look cute in them-

I shake my head a little, trying to forget those embarrassing memories.

"Kook!" I voice says from the bathroom. "Can you lend me pants from your closet please? I don't have any good jeans..."

I could imagine him pouting while saying that.

How cute-

"Okay Tae!" I answer.

The party starts in like half an hour, so both of us are getting ready. I take a look at my closet and my eye catches a black skinny jeans. I smirk a little as I grab it and lend it to Tae who is still in the bathroom.

A few minutes later I hear a shout from Tae as he opens the bathroom's door.

"I asked you for normal jeans not some skinny-as-fuck pants Jungkook!!" He says, annoyed.

My smirk goes wilder when I see how good he looks with those pants.

"Well, they make your ass look good, so..." I say playfully, just to be met with a slap on my shoulder.

"Ouchh" I say, pretending to be hurt.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, a little blush visible on his cheeks.

I wonder when I started to be this pervy-

"Anyways, I'm going to change too" I say as I enter the bathroom with my clothes.

Ten minutes later I'm all set. I get out of the bathroom and ask Tae confidently,

"How do I look?"

Taehyung stares at me, wide eyed and mouth agape.

I was wearing my black ripped jeans, a white loose shirt and my leather jacket.

"Take a picture it will last longer" I tease him.

"I- I wasn't-" he says, frustrated.

I chuckle a little and say,

"Come on Tae, let's go or we will be late!"

We arrive at Chungha's house a few minutes later and notice that it's already filled up with many people.

I know most of them -because well, we go to the same school- but there are some faces that I haven't seen before, probably guys from the university nearby.

I don't like some of the looks Tae gets but I decide to ignore that.

We meet Taehyung's friends -whom I guess I could call my friends too- and open a random conversation.

"I'm going to get drinks for us!" Hoseok says and we all nod.

A few shots later, the guys were half drunk, and Tae was the drunkest one between them.

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