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Today I noticed something that confused the hell out of me...

I was hitting and kicking him as always, when I heard a voice from afar yelling:

"There you are Tae!"


I stopped hitting him, and started looking at the owner of the voice who was running towards us.

"Taetae here you are I searched the whole schoo-" He stopped talking when he saw a bloody Taehyung on the ground panting, with me standing next to him.

"What the fuck is happening here?!"

Taehyung slowly got up, and smiled at the shortie in front of him.

"Oh Jiminie! I was walking and then I suddenly fainted, but Jungkook here helped me!" He said, and even I almost believed him... He looked at me while showing me his boxy smile.

"Right Jungkook?" He asked. His smile looked so real but fake at the same time.

"Oh.. Y-yes"

Why the fuck did I stutter?!

Taehyung smiled a very genuine smile. It didn't look like he was faking it, but I knew better.

He was holding back his screames a few minutes ago after all...

I was shocked at how good he was at lying to be honest.

"Oh... Okay!" The short guy, Jimin said, believing his friend's lie. "We will get going then! Thanks for helping him Jungkookie!"

Jungkookie?! Really??

I just nodded at him, trying my best not to roll my eyes, and watched them as they walked away.

So his friends don't know, huh?

I noticed that he didn't tell his friends about him getting bullied...



Hey guyssss!! How are you >.<

Yesterday as I was walking home, I saw two turtles doing some things~ ;-) Hahahaha it was so fucking funny^^

My innocent eyes were hurt🙈

I didn't have my phone with me, so I couldn't take a pic of them fucking- I mean making love to each other ^^


Thanks for reading this crappy fanficton uwu 💜


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