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"Do I smell pancakes?"

I say enthusiastically as I walk out of the bathroom after drying myself and dressing completely.

"Uhh- yeah..." replies Jungkook nervously. I bet he is still thinking about the mental breakdown I had like half an hour ago.

I'm still kind of shocked actually. I never thought that he would act like that when he saw my bruises.

I don't know what I was expecting thought. I knew that he was going to see them one day but well...

I over reacted too, and I'm totally aware of that. But I can't help myself... His reaction made me remember some memories that I never wanted to think of again. I was fucking naked too.

And I can't get out of my mind the fact that I had a mental breakdown in the same bathroom that I jerked myself in yesterday-

I hurry to the kitchen saying,

"It smells so good Kook!"

He looks at me weirdly, but notices that I was trying hard to act like nothing happened in the bathroom.

"Come on Taetae, let's sit down and eat" he says with a soft smile on his face.

I start digging into the delicious looking pancakes right after I sit down. A small moan escapes my mouth when I taste the honey covered pancakes. Jungkook chuckles a little at my silliness, and starts eating with me too.

"Itsh sho delishious Kookshh!" I tell him with my mouth full of food.

He chuckles again and replies with a "Thanks Tae~"

"So you know how to cook hmm?" I ask him as I eat the last piece of my pancake.

"Well, kind of, I guess? I had to live alone for many years so I taught myself how to cook..." I feel the little sadness in his voice.

"Well," I start "I survived by eating ramen every single day haha"

I make a funny face and he starts laughing.

My eye catches the time on the clock near me and I frown a little.

"Ummm, Jk?" I ask, unsure.

"Jk? Really?" He chuckles at the weird nickname.

"What time do we have to be at school?"

He thinks for a few seconds, and then replies,

"8 am... Why?"

I look nervously at him,

"It's 7:55"

Jungkook quickly looks at the clock.


We quickly get out of the house, and start running towards the school. We part our ways when we arrive there, both of us going to our first class.

I had physics, and well, I hated that subject even more than my father.

Well, maybe not that much but- I guess you got the point.

When I enter the classroom I see an angry and worried Jimin in front of me.

"Kim Fucking Taehyung! Where were you the last week?! Do you know how worried I was?" He starts scolding me the moment he notices me.

"I'm sorry Jiminie~" I saw pouting, and run towards him to hug him.

He hugs me back and says,

"Where were you hmm? Why didn't you text me? I went to your house but no one opened the door!"

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