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He suddenly kneels down without letting go of my hand, and i let out a surprised gasp.

"J-jungkook what are y-you doing?!" I ask with a shaky voice. I feel my cheeks getting redder than how they already were.


Is he going to propose to me or something?

Omg should I say yes? No no no way! I'm going to answer him with a no... But like saying yes could be a good option too, image marrying Jungkook and living happil-

His voice snaps me out of my thoughts.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung... Please forgive me."

I stare at him with wide eyes, completely shocked.

Is my mind playing tricks in me or did Jeon Jungkook just apologize?!

"U-uhh-" I manage to let out, while stuttering. He cuts me saying,

"Look Tae, I-I know that I used to act so bitchy around you, I'm so sorry for everything I've done... You were already suffering at home, and on top of that I made the school a living hell for you. I regret it all. Asking you to f-forgive me would be stupid, because I don't think that I deserve your forgiveness..." I notice his eyes getting a little teary. "I'm so sorry Tae, and believe me, I mean it"

He sounds so sincere...

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out of it. I'm still to shocked to talk...

I knew that he would change a little after knowing my past, but I never thought that it would make him apologize to me.

Well, people change. And for Jungkook, he changed in a good way.

I'm glad...

He suddenly stands up when he notices my hesitation, and says in a sad voice while looking at the ground,

"I- I know that it's hard for you to forgive me... I u-understand-"

"It's okay Jungkook" I say, with a little smile on my face.


"I forgive you..."

"Wait. Really?!" A smile makes its way on his cute soft lips.

Did I just call his lips cute and soft??!


"Yes Kookie, I forgive you..."

I notice him blushing a little at the nickname.

Awww cute!

No Taehyung what the frack this dude used to bully you every day why am I even calling him cute?!

"Well, maybe because I really am cute?"


He smirks at me.

"Please Jungkook tell me that I didn't say that out loud."

He starts laughing, and I curse at myself for being stupid.

"Oh god-"

I start laughing with him too, our laughs filling the rooftop.

After a good five minutes of laughing, we finally stop.

He shows me his bunny smile and says,

"I want to pay you back for everything bad I've done to you..."

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

Is he going to give me money or something?

"I think that I should treat you to something"


"What about you go on a date with me?"

(A/N) Hey guys >.<

I feel like the chapters are getting short again... UGHHHH

This book was supposed to be a slow burn but I feel like everything is happening so fast- no, too fast... Do you think that I should slow down a bit? Like how the fuck is Jungkook asking Taehyung on a date? They aren't even close enough ughbdbdbddjje


Guys do you know that your comments are the only thing that makes me want to continue writing? You guys are sooo kind and cute and I want to give you all a veerrryyyyy big hug (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I love you so much ╰(^3^)╯


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Thanks for reading this crappy fanficton uwu 💜

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