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We walk together towards Taehyung's friends whom are sitting on a table near the wall.

When we reach there we greet them and Taehyung introduces me saying,

"Meet Jungkook! He is my new friend, I hope that you like him~"

I smile at them kindly and take a good look at every single one of the group.

First there is that Jimin guy, then the horse face -I guess his name was hoesuck- , a handsome looking guy with plump lips, another handsome guy -he has 148 iq right?- , and lastly...

"Yoongs?" I say in a shocked voice.

He raises his head a little, and says,

"Oh hey Kook!"

I notice the confusion written on other guys faces.

"You know each other?" Taehyung says, but it comes out more like a question.

"He is my cousin..." I reply back.

Taehyung lets out an "oh".

Now you must be asking, why the fuck am I shocked for seeing my cousin here?

Of course, I knew that he went to the same school as me. But the thing that made me surprised was seeing Yoongi hyung smiling.

He was fucking smiling and laughing with Jimin.

I haven't seen my hyung's gummy smile since his parents divorced and he had to stay with his crazy aunt.

And also since-

I look at him again and notice his eyes shining when he looks at Jimin. They were filled with happiness and...


Tae taps my shoulder and tells me to sit down, distracting me from what I just realized.

The guys introduce themselves and I learn that the one with plump lips is Jin, the guy with 148 iq is Namjoon, and horse-face is called Hoseok.

I always thought that they were some sort of weird nerds or something, but as they started to talk, I notice that they are actually pretty cool.

Hoseok was the lead dancer of the school's dance team, Jimin achieved the first place in Busan's singing competition, Jin was selected the best looking guy in our school last month, and Namjoon...

Namjoon was just, perfect. He won many medals in many mathematical quizzes and competitions.

I'm sure that I'm whipped for this man. He looks like the best role model ever!

He has a pair of killer dimples, perfect skin, a muscled toned body.

I would definitely smash.

But sadly, it looked like he was into that Jin guy. They kept flirting -not so secretly- in front of us the whole time.

But I shouldn't be sad thought, I have Taehyung after all-


I didn't just think that oh my god-

"And what about you Jungkook?" Says a voice and snaps me from my thoughts.

"U-uhh" I let out, confused about what the guys were saying.

Namjoon chuckles a little when he notices that I was spacing out and repeats saying,

"There is going to be a party this Friday at Chungha's house. We are all going. Do you want to go with us?"

"Oh of course!" I reply as I show him my bunny smile.

The lunch break ends fastly and we stand up and start walking towards our classes. I pull Yoongi towards me to speak to him privately.

"Jimin, huh?" I ask him teasingly.

A small blush appears on his face but he hides it saying,

"What are you talking about? I didn't get your point-"

"Do I look like an idiot to you hyung? Even a blind person could notice that there is something going between you too..." I say smirking.

"Ugh okay goddamit!" he says giving up finally, "The thing going between me and Jimin as same as what's going between you and Taehyung." he states.

A blush slowly makes its way to my cheeks.

Why am I even blushing this is so stupid-

"There is nothing betw-" I start saying.

"Yeah and I'm Jay Z." He rolls his eyes.

My eyes widen and I say enthusiastically,


"Kook I was being sarcastic." He shakes his head because of my stupidity.

I pout a little and then remember the main topic we were talking about.

"Don't try to change the subject Yoongs!" I say "You like him, don't you? I haven't seen your smile since... You know.."

"Everyone deserves a second chance, right? So I guess I deserve one too. And don't worry Kooks, I'm already over him. I just wanna find my happiness with Jimin and forget about him..." he says with a sad smile on his face.

"I'm glad..." I say.

I smile a little and continue,

"I'm glad we both found that person who healed us and made us remember how to smile again..."


+50k reads oh my god I really can't believe thisss!!!!!

I never imagined this crappy writing getting more that 1k and now here I am celebrating 50k reads!! Thanks to all of you guys who read and vote and comment( ◜‿◝ )♡

You guys spoil me too much hihi

And also, DID YOU HEAR EGO OMG!!! It's too good I absolutely LOVED IT!


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Thanks for reading this crappy fanficton uwu 💜

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