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After another day of faking happiness, I return home. But to my surprise, the house is unusually empty...

That is weird, because most of the time, especially this day of the year, father always waits for me in the front door to beat me up harshly and yell at me saying that mom is dead because of me.

Yes, today is my mother's death anniversary... Oh how much I want to spend this anniversary alone once...

But sadly, my wishes don't come true. They never did... My father suddenly opens the front door and closes it with a loud thud.

"YOU BITCH, THERE YOU ARE" "You took her from me! "You fucking peace of trash!" were the things he would yell at me this day of the year. But today ...

He doesn't..?

He just stares at me with cold eyes and begins walking slowly towards me. Step by step.

As we walks forward, I take a step backwards, as the feeling of uneasiness crawls up inside me, until my back hits the wall.

He continues walking, and only stops when he is close to me- too close... I can already smell the alcohol from his breath... I look at him with wide fearful eyes.

What is he going to do?

He leans closer, his hot breath touching my ear, and whispers to me,

"She isn't here because of you, so you have to take her place."

My breath hitches as my legs start shaking uncontrollably, and I start shivering... Take her place?

"W-wha-" I try saying.

But he doesn't even let me finish my question, as he attacks my neck.


A/N: hello again!

Btw as "attacks his neck", I don't mean he kills him... I mean something else ಠ_ʖಠ

I'm sure you got it~

Thanks for reading uwu 💜


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