Untitled Part 3 unedited

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My staring contest with Sebastian breaks as Lizzie rushes us past the entryway and up the stairs. We don't stop when Ciel's voice chases after us, "W-wait I said no ball!" Not even my enhanced hearing was needed to catch the undertone of defeat in the young boys voice.

"Oh Lizzie." I sigh, but I cannot help the smile that graces my face, just hearing her breathless giggle of joy is worth it to me as we race through the halls. All with Grell choking on the rope wrapped tightly around his neck.

We arrive at the room Lizzie tends to use during her stays at the Phantomhive manor a moment later, "You first!" her petite hands manhandle the butler into a seated position before the vanity and set to work with his hair and make up. I chuckle softly and leave her to her work, knowing that any interference on my part would end in tears.

Perched on the edge of the bed, I settle my skirts around myself comfortably and begin to think of all the people I met today. First there was Tanaka, who apparently has a much lower energy reserve than most people and can only truly be his whole self every once in a while. Which makes me sad, living ones life with so little opportunity to be ones whole self seems lonely to me, but I find myself determined to get to know the kind looking Japanese man. It as been so long since I have met someone else from my home country, my family not included.

Then there was Mey-Rin, Finnian, and Bardroy. All three are very sweet, albeit utterly useless as housekeepers or gardeners, or even chefs. None of them know how to maintain a thing, it was a struggle to keep the manor from falling apart as Lizzie rampaged through every nook and cranny and the servants trying to put everything back the way it was. I sigh in exhaustion and rub my temples, another headache forming at the thought of dealing with such incompetence on a daily basis.

The Earl Ciel Phantomhive, my little sisters betrothed. He was all that the rumors had suggested. A serious and hard hearted young boy, such a sight to be pitied and yet never let that show. Pity has never been welcome to any who deserve it, and I think it would be safe to assume that the young Earl would quickly belittle any who thought to show him any signs of those thoughts. How could one blame him though? The past is the past, what is done is done, and reminiscing on what used to be simply gets in the way, there is little time for that. Especially with Ciel it seems, his gaze holds a fire and determination, but the acceptance of some terrible fate lies dormant behind that fire, as if a vile fireman lies in wait for his demise.

My thoughts drift to the one completely shrouded in mystery for me. I am usually able to glean at least some semblance of who a person is through observation, even after a short time, but Sebastian remains completely blank to me. What I do know is that there is something different about him. The way he moves is ethereal, confident. It's as if he is not of this world. When he rescued me earlier, he had been on the other side of the room but came to my side in an instant. As if that space had not existed seconds before. Even his manner of walking made me feel something was off.

However, it was mostly his eyes that truly gave me reason to be suspicious. The red color was my first hint, but even that could be fabricated with glass lenses. What lay beyond them was what truly terrified me. The glint that lit up the corners of his iris as the drop of my blood fell, the feral serenity pulling at the edges as the scent of my identity reached his nose, and the wall of indifference that immediately blocked any further analysis. All of these realizations made me inherently wary of the man, it didn't even feel right to say that. For I was proof that man was not the only thing that roamed the earth.

My hand rose up to touch the large ribbon hiding my canine ears, and my large silver tail curled around my leg on instinct to hide among the fold of my skirts. The Yamamoto family has been cursed with dog like features for so many generations that the origins have long since been lost in time. We know nothing of the manner of our curse, how it came to be, or how to fully be rid of it. Even the men and women who marry into my family soon sprout ears and a tail. Many women have even been returned home after a marriage once their extra features were discovered. This was ultimately why my father had decided to leave Japan and live in England.

We had relations with the Midfords because my father had once saved Lord Midford from being mugged while on holiday in Japan. Since then they had remained friends and often visited each other, so when my mother died after giving birth to me and my twin brother and the rumors began spreading, my father made the decision to leave our home for centuries. We had endured the cruel words and even harsher treatment of the villagers for ten years since my mothers passing before we left, they all said horrible things like there was no curse, just abusive men and cowardly women. Neither my brother or I had any friends at home, only the Midfords. Even then, most of our interactions were through letters and drawings, occasionally photographs. I missed home, but only for the land and my heritage. Or what it should have been. I have a better life here in England. I will tell that to myself until it becomes true.

My depressing thoughts disperse as I shake my head and force myself to look around the room. It's simple opulence leaving my mind empty, releasing the dark clamor of my past into my memory. White walls with off white trim line the large space, the same off white colors the furniture with gold accents twinkling in the dimming light of the afternoon sun.

I hear Lizzie call my name and I focus my attention to her once again with a relaxed smile forcing my eyes shut, "Yes little sister?"

Lizzie lifts her hand to cover the cute giggle that escapes her lips, "Oh big sister, would you mind so terribly if I asked you to find some white ribbon? This red one just won't work with this dress and I need some for her hair."

I bow my head lightly, my smile never fading, "I do not mind at all, where might I find some ribbon, do you know?"

Lizzie nods enthusiastically and hastily gives me directions to the servants quarters where the laundry and linens room should be, hopefully housing the spare ribbons and lace. I do my best to match her enthusiasm and exit the room with a sigh, already exhausted after only four hours with the sweet girl. I shake my head at myself and begin walking silently down the hall, following Lizzie's instructions to the t.

Only to find myself in a billiards parlor. My fingers find their way to my temples, rubbing away the soreness as it begins to build there. The ribbon wrapped tightly around my head starts to feel suffocating and I glance around the room, quickly assuring that I am alone before removing the bloody thing and feeling my ears twitch at the slight breeze caused by my actions. Sounds once muffled become clearer, the house creaking as servants race around preparing for the unexpected ball, mice skittering after food dropped in their haste, confident footfalls coming to the door behind me, a hand turning the handle.

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