Untitled Part 7 unedited

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The rest of the night passes without incident, only Sebastian's stares seem harsher. I muddle through the paranoia and anxiety with a smile plastered across my face for Lizzie, the only person that gets me through the night. Lizzie, who dances until she dramatically flings herself onto a nearby couch claiming how parched she is as her partner pants in exhaustion. The Earl, obviously not used to dancing as he was, takes a moment longer to compose himself and opens his mouth to speak, only to say nothing and sigh in defeat at the sight of his fiancée fast asleep.

Blue meets blue as our eyes meet, "I do believe that our time here has imposed upon you long enough, we shall take our leave of you. Thank you so much for your hospitality and kindness on this unexpected night," in one gentle movement I bow low to the young lord, allowing only some of my tiredness to sow in my smile. I then bow to each of the servants in turn, thanking them for all they had to go through today and their help along the way.

When I get to Sebastian my words die in my throat. All the confusion, fear, and paranoia return in one tidal wave against my mind. What do I say? What could I say? I bow low and slow, stalling for as long as I can, willing my exhausted brain to come up with one last sentence, one last farewell for the night. I raise my head and our eyes meet, "I thank you as well, good night."

Every fiber of my being screams at me for such a ridiculous sentence, but what is done is done and I force myself to focus on returning Lady Elizabeth home. It is a long journey and an even longer one to my own home, not that my father would mind. I am well past the age most women marry, and my father has pulled away from any familial duties he once had since the death of my twin brother.

I shake my head, unwilling to walk down that road full of painful memories when I have a potential enemy poised to strike.

The next moments consist of Grell and the rest of the servants to change and prepare the carriage for Lizzie and I to return home. Sebastian grabs us two more chairs while we wait for the other servants to finish the preparations. The moment the butler returns he offers the chair to me first, as I accept and begin to sit down, I feel his breath heat the back of my neck. My tired eyes widen in shock but I simply close them and sit down, "Rest assured I will not leave your actions unpunished my dear."

I choose to deliberately ignore Sebastian's treat, perhaps not my best decision, but I don't fully trust my mind to clearly construct a proper response. The mindless small talk Ciel and I partake in is hard enough as it is. As we continue chatting our conversation turns to games. I find out that we both enjoy chess, even with my inherent ability to loos in a new way each time I play, I invite Ciel to play at my home just outside London this coming weekend.

It is now that Sebastian chimes in, a knowing smirk tinging his cheeks pink as he takes note of my slouching posture and drooping eyelids, "Pardon the interruption Young Master. Lady Akatsuki, the carriage is ready for your and Lady Elizabeth."

I nod slowly, my body has become very sluggish and ignores most of my orders to move. Sebastian walks past me and leans over to pick up Lizzie, sending me into overdrive. Adrenaline races through my blood as my heart pushes it to go faster and faster, my limbs wake up, and my eyes stop drooping in the seconds it takes him to lift her into his arms. All I want to do is take Elizabeth into my own arms, but I know that my body is too exhausted and now that Sebastian already has her it could be seen as rude and very taboo. So I simply grit my teeth and smile in thanks.

The rest of the servants are waiting for us outside beside the carriage and bid us a tired farewell, I can only nod in response as Sebastian and Ciel trail behind me. Once at the carriage Sebastian places Lizzie inside first and offers a hand for me to get in myself. My stubbornness kicks in and I turn from him to once again bow to Ciel, "Please, if you ever find yourself needing a chess partner, even a poor one such as myself, feel free to call upon me at any time."

"Of course, I look forward to our first match. You said this weekend was best for you?"


"It is settled, I will send word once I can consult my schedule."

I bow again and return to facing the carriage, Sebastian again offers me his hand. Instead I take hold of the edge of the door and hoist myself into the dark interior, I cannot help but smile triumphantly once Sebastian finally latches the door. A moment later the horses bring the carriage to a jerking start and we set off first to the Midford estate, then my own empty home.

The house we occupy could hardly be called a mansion, but my father has always been modest. Choosing to live in smaller homes than that of our acquaintances in similar situations financially. I've always enjoyed that part of my life, but it has made it more difficult to avoid my father and he with me.

There had been a time long ago where my father could look at me, could bear to see my face. My brother and I took our likeness from him, my mother had been beautiful, and my fathers features vary on the plainer side of handsome. Most people could only tell the difference between my brother and I because my hair was a bright silver and his was a midnight black, like our parents. I was always the troublemaker, my brother the perfect sibling.

We were only ten years old when we moved to England, we were just learning about life here when the sickness first showed up. I was in bed for months, barely able to sip miso broth. My brother and father waited upon my every want and need, both so pale with worry that I often wondered if it was me who was truly sick. Six months passed before my fever broke and stayed under control, another month passed and doctors called it a miracle. Only for the next month to bring my brother down in my place. He only lived another two weeks.

... Tears. Where did they come from. The hole in my chest makes itself known again, heavier and more crushing than ever before. The heavy salty drops of water fall from my chin as the damn holding back my memories falls apart completely.

After Shuji's passing neither my father or myself could function. The servants we employed begged for either one of us to at least go outside. Call on the Midford's, walk to the park, do something. Anything. I was the only one to actually take their advice. My eleven year old mind was exhausted of sitting and doing nothing but moan and cry in pain, at that point it had been almost a year and a half of suffering for me and my father. I couldn't take it anymore. So I started going grocery shopping with the cook each morning.

Since then my father has only left the house for business and the occasional walk to the park with me. It has become our habit to depart at midnight on the night of the full moon. Our next walk should be this coming week. I look forward to it. The only other time I can spend time with my broken father is during our silent meals, or a quick passing in the hallway as he leaves for work or to enter his study. It pains me to see him, both of us just a living reminder of the one who is no longer living.

A large bump in the road forces me to the floor of the carriage and out of my past. Above my head Lizzie whimpers helplessly, the blanket we draped across her body has fallen from her legs. A small broken smile crosses my lips and I gently tuck her back into the seat as I settle myself into kneeling before her. I rest my head on my arm beside Lizzie's face, softly trailing my fingertips along her face. A content sigh escapes her sleeping lips and more tears escape my eyes. Here lies my reason for finding life once again. Here lies the one person I would die protecting.

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