Untitled Part 13 (unedited)

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In the week I wait for the chess match with Ciel Phantomhive my father makes a concentrated effort to speak with me during each meal if not more over the course of the day. During breakfast we always share our schedules for the day, then at lunch we share how things are going. Dinner almost always consisted of light-hearted banter and sometimes sad but joyful memories of those we have lost.

With my father working as a Japanese political ambassador to the queen, he has constant meetings and endless paperwork to attend to. Additionally, there are the many social engagements that would make his job that much easier if he attended, but parties have never been fun for my father, so I have been going in his place for years. My escort was always another political figure who was in negotiations with my father. During our lunch discussions, my father has been teaching me more about his position in hopes that I could one day take over for him, to be honest it is not much different than managing a household. One must account for peoples skills, and tempers before assigning their positions to them, and if any issues come up diplomacy usually is the best way to approach it to find a solution.

The rest of my days are spent tending to my garden, practicing my needle work, and playing the standing bass. Each day I wake up around 5:30 in the morning to practice taekwando with and without my kodachi until around 7. After that I prepare for the rest of the day and get dressed for breakfast with my father. On days when my body is too sore to move properly I allow myself to sleep in before the rest of my routine demands I wake up.

The day before I am supposed to play chess with Ciel, I am surprised with a visit from Lizzie as I play a complicated piece on the standing bass. When she enter the music room I move to set down my instrument, "Oh no! Please don't stop on my account Tsuki, I love to hear you play. Does this piece have a part for you to sing as well?"

My chest rumbles lightly as my chuckle fills the room, "Unfortunately not my dear. And I am afraid that I do not know the piece well enough to attempt improvising. But I can still play a bit for you."

"Yay!" Lizzie bounces in excitement for a moment before she settles herself on a love seat set up for just such an occasion and waits for me to begin. The piece is called Rain, it is a bouncy yet deep number that perfectly reminds me of rain. By the end of the piece, Lizzie is buzzing with joy, "Oh Tsuki, that was simply wonderful! When you have mastered it, which I am sure isn't too far off from now, you must come and play it for mother and father. Oh, and Edward should be home visiting from school on the weekends as well! Please tell me you will?"

"Lizzie, you ask me to do that with every piece I learn."

"That is because you are so good! Please?"

"Oh alright." I shake my head and sit down next to the bouncing blonde haired girl as she squeals her delight, "Now, did you have something to discuss with me or am I just blessed to have a friend who just wishes to see me?"

Lizzie sits still and thinks hard for a moment, trying to decide if what I said was sarcastic or not, "Well both really."

I smile, truly happy with her response, "That is a wonderful thing. Now, what did you want to talk about?"

"The Viscount Druit is holding a ball this Wednesday and I found the perfect dress for you to wear for it, and after all, it is the end of the season so you must go! It is such a perfect dress, oh Peter! Please go fetch the box from my carriage, I forgot to ask Frederick to grab it when I got here I was so excited to see Tsuki. Anyway, you will simply adore it when you see it. It is the latest fashion in France I'm told. I'm so happy you told me your measurements, because now I can just buy the clothes that I find that I know you'll love instead of maybe missing them when I can finally take you into town."

I blink and listen intently to the girl as she babbles on about this final ball being held, "I see, well. Then I guess I have to go after you going to so much trouble to bring me this dress."

"Oh thank you! I am so exited! I cannot wait to see you in that dress tomorrow. Don't forget, the ball starts at 8 o'clock sharp, don't you dare be late!"

"I wouldn't dream of it my dear Lizzie." I place my hand to my heart, playing it totally serious for the benefit of the blonde before me. Lizzie and I spend the rest of the morning drinking tea and reflecting over this years season and how much fun we have had at the many balls. After lunch, Lizzie declares that she must head home to attend to some things before tomorrows ball and bids me farewell only after extracting another promise to attend the ball.

The next morning, I wake up early and practice my swordsmanship as I feel that it has been lacking in the last week. After my bath, I decide to dress in my brown plaid riding habit with the military cut and golden knotwork. I pair the outfit with a high waisted white blouse and attach the elongated train to a button on my hip for walking, the large bustle in the back creating even more pleats in the fabric. I don't really like the extra pleats and swollen rump look, however, with my tail being as fluffy and bulky as it is, I have to do something with my outfits to either cover the added bulk or distract from it. I would rather not give anyone the opportunity to think something is wrong with me.

I decide to leave immediately after breakfast and ride horseback instead of in a carriage as the day is bright and warm. This being highly unusual for fall London weather, I have to take advantage of such a day. The ride alone takes me about an hour and a half, even after urging my horse Yuki to gallop through the countryside as fast as she could.

After arriving at the Phantomhive London townhouse, I take a moment to thank my horse and my ancestors for the extra speed that assisted in keeping me on time and leave my horse ground tied as I walk up the front steps. I reach the dark brown door and I am about to knock when it suddenly opens, revealing a slightly shocked group of people leaving the home. "Oh, good morning."

"Lady Akatsuki, welcome to the Phantomhive's London estate. This is Madame Red, Lau, and Madame Red's butler, Grell Sutcliffe." Sebastian looks at me only for a moment before introducing the three people blocking my way inside, "Madame, Lau, Grell, this is Lady Akatsuki Yamamoto."

Grell is the only one of the group to bow his head in greeting, where Madame Red and Lau look me over with severe scrutiny. Even going so far as to walk around me to view my person as a whole. I look back at Sebastian and Grell with questions in my eyes, only to find Sebastian watching with amusement at my discomfort. Sending a glare to the butler in question I decide to put an end to this judgement, "Pardon me, is there something on my dress? I did just ride in from the country on horseback."

Both Lau and Madame Red come to stand in front of me again and look at each other for a moment. Madame red gives Lau a nod and he turns to finally look me in the eyes, "Would you like to assist in the capture of Jack the Ripper, my dear?"

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