Untitled Part 14 (unedited)

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I blink in surprise and don't catch myself agreeing to this strange man's request, thinking that all they would ask is for me to help them think of suspects or something like that. The next instant I am being dragged into the townhouse's salon and Lau starts speaking, "Young Lord, we have found an alternative plan for this evening, meet Lady Akatsuki Yamamoto."

As Lau vaguely explains his new plan, Sebastian closes the door to the salon and moves to stand behind Ciel like a shadow, "I am already acquainted with Lady Yamamoto. What is your point?" The boy's voice is tight with irritation and the single blue eye glares at his companion.

"She shall go in your place and we can avoid all of those tedious extras you were so upset about my Lord."

"What!" Ciel stands up and tries to intimidate Lau by making himself appear as large as his small frame can be and balling his fists, "First you say that crossdressing is the only viable option, and now you bring in a woman who has nothing to do with any of this, nor does she have any experience, who could jeopardize the success of this mission? What are you thinking Lau!" Behind Ciel, his devilish shadow smirks in sadistic amusement as he can see the confusion written all over my face. I ignore his taunting smile and look at the other people in the room, trying to glean any information from their expressions or our surroundings.

"May I intervene for a moment?" I am taken aback as all eyes fall on me, most of the gazes judging and severe, "What exactly am I supposed to be doing with Jack the Ripper that is so dangerous?"

"You didn't even explain it to her?"

"We didn't need to, she agreed before we had a chance to."

I open my mouth to try and explain that I was flustered but close it when Ciel speaks before I can, "Shut up Lau, and you agreed? What were you thinking!" Ciel transitions his glare between both Lau and I, I can't help but flinch at the furious disproval in that blue eye that has seen much more than it should have.

"Don't be too harsh dear, it could work very well. Besides, you won't have to dress like a girl!" Madame Red flippantly waives the Earl's disputes, "It's a simple plan really, all she has to do is speak with the Viscount and let him show her where this secret party is being held. We will keep a close eye on her."

"If that is all you need from me I could easily do so. I am very skilled with a kodachi, a Japanese short sword, and have been to many social events such as this. In fact, I am already planning to attend." I can see the wheels in Ciel's mind turning, although he still seems unconvinced with the idea. His blue eye turns calculating as he watches me, and I shift on my feet as another crimson set of eyes study my every movement.

"My Lord, if I may, this girl seems like the best option, even better than disguising you." Lau steps up to my left side and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Now that I know what you are planning, Lord Phantomhive, I cannot simply stand aside. I will gladly do what I can to put these brutal murders to an end. No woman, harlot or not, should be subject to such horrors. Not to mention, I will already be there."

"Tch," Ciel looks away from us and gazes out of the window, heavily considering his options, "Fine. But at the first sign of this going wrong, you will be dismissed, and we will proceed without you. Don't mess up."

"Perfect, it is decided."

"Sebastian, show Madame Red and Lau out. There is no need for them now."

"As you wish, my lord. Madame Red, Lau, if I may?"

"Splendid, I'm glad that you saw reason Ciel. We will see you shortly, goodbye." Ciel, raises a hand in dismissal as his guests follow Sebastian out.

"I assume that I will not be allowed to go home so fast after the conclusion this evening." Ciel looks back to me, that same calculating look in his eyes.

"No, we will most likely need to go over the events that take place. We may not even be able to make an arrest tonight. It all depends on how well you play your part. In fact, you will be staying here until the party begins so we may go over the plan." I nod, a sort of calm coming over me. Tonight, will be a good way to earn his trust if I can pull this off, not to mention do the right thing for the women of the West End. I never thought I would have to play a hand in this sort of thing to protect Lizzie, but I will do what I must. I also have the opportunity to assess the threat Sebastian poses the young couple.

Speak of the devil, Sebastian walks into the salon a moment later with the chessboard and I remember why I even came to the house today, "Pardon me, but are you ready to begin your match?"

I look at Ciel and our blue eyes connect for a moment, that cool calculation still burning. He nods to his butler and takes a seat in front of the fireplace and motions for me to take the seat opposite him and the low coffee table. "Sebastian, would you kindly send word to Elizabeth Midford and tell her I will be getting ready at home instead of with her as something has happened that requires my attention. As well as another note for my father explaining that I will be staying at the Midford estate tonight because the party should be ending very late and I should rather go to sleep much sooner than I would if I went home?"

Sebastian replies as he finishes setting up the last of the pieces upon the ornate wooden board, "Of course, madame."

Before his butler can leave, Ciel calls out "Sebastian,"

"Yes, my lord?"

"Bring us some tea and something sweet to eat as well. We have much to discuss."

"Indeed sir. I shall do so at once." With that said, Sebastian exits the room and leaves us to our game.

I glance at the board and turn it around so that I will play the black pieces. Ciel gazes at me and I catch a barely perceptible smirk. Smiling, I gesture for him to make his first move, "White plays first, my lord."

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