Untitled Part 16 (unedited)

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On the way to the party Sebastian stops to pick up Madame Red, her butler Grell, Lau and someone Lau introduced as his sister Ran-Mau. Sebastian begins to fill in the details of Ciel's plan for our compatriots once everyone is in the carriage, "Viscount Druit, also known as Alistair chambers. He graduated from medical school, but never went into practice. Lately he has thrown several parties at his home, but behind the scenes of these same soirees a secret gathering only his intimates may attend."

Madame Red, which I was told is Ciel's aunt, interjects with her own information, "I heard he's into black magic and the occult sorts of things." I close my eyes and shake my head, why can humans not leave well enough alone?

"So your suspicion is that he is holding these parties to perform ritualistic sacrifices of local prostitutes?" Lau deduces with a finger on his chin and Ran-Mau hanging off his arm.

"Tonight is the last party of the season." The carriage slows to a stop before the London manor, and the coachman opens the door, "Which means," Ciel pauses as he is helped out of the carriage and I roll my eyes at his dramatics, "This is our last chance."

As we enter the foyer, Madame Red links her arm in mine and turns us to face the others in our party, "Akatsuki will be my niece visiting from the country, and Sebastian will play her tutor."

"I still don't think this is a good idea. You've never had to act before Tsuki." Ciel huffs.

"Trust me Ciel, I am a politicians daughter. If there is anything I know how to do, it is how to persuade someone into doing what I want while making them think it was their idea in the first place."

That distant blue eye rolls in the boys head, "Fine, but I don't see why she should be introduced as your niece. You've already been introduced in society."

"Because dear, I've always wanted a girl," Madame Red flicks out her fan and laughs gleefully, finally living out some kind of fantasy.

"You're kidding me!"

"You don't want them knowing who she is do you? It could get her trouble, dear. Besides, I've heard that lord Druit has an eye for any pretty little thing in a skirt, and we do want to catch his eye, right?"

Sebastian, who is standing behind his master, leans down to remind Ciel of an earlier comment, "'By whatever means necessary,' you do remember saying that do you not sir?"

Ciel grumbles, and begrudgingly motions us to move into the ballroom. From there we split into two groups. Madame Red drags Grell to a corner of the room with Lau and Ran-Mau in tow, while Ciel leads the way to the dance floor for Sebastian and I. Before we formally enter the ballroom, Sebastian holds out his arm for me and raises an eyebrow over the spectacles I've never seen him wear before. I sigh and link my gloved arm in his as we finally enter the lavish room ahead.

We catch up to Ciel standing at the edge of the dance floor, fervently searching for the Viscount with a scowl upon his young face. Sebastian looks at his master and chuckles softly, "First things first, we need to locate this murderous viscount." he then turns to me, "And the best way to do that is to dance, will you do me the honor, my lady?"

I glance up at the demon beside me, the memory of what happened when I was last in his arms heating my cheeks and forcing my gaze to the floor, "Fine."

Sebastian smiles, and I swear the whole room lights up, as he pulls me into the fray of the people dancing to the full orchestra at the head of the room between the dual staircase. "Now, that sounds like you do not enjoy dancing."

I scoff and roll my eyes. Still reeling over the fact that I even noticed Sebastian's smile. I should still be upset with how he had accosted me this evening and is withholding the truth from me, "I have not had the displeasure before now, if it were with anyone else I am sure to have accepted their hand, shall I say, with more grace?" Crimson meets blue in a heated glare, his own gaze softened by something unknown to me, "Are we not supposed to be looking for Alistair Chambers?"

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