Untitled Part 12 unedited

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After tea was finished, I spend the rest of the day the same way I spent the morning, singing to and tending to the garden. I am a little sad that the raven does not come back, but I have the feeling that I will be seeing him again soon. As the suns light to darkens and the sky starts to fade to grey my stewardess, Mary, calls me in to freshen up for dinner.

The warm water steams against the cool air in my bathroom as Mary makes the final preparations for my much-needed bath, my skin itches along with my anticipation of a relaxing wash. Mary gently folds my clothes one at a time as I shed them before settling deep beneath the water. A pulsating burn courses through my chest as I hold my breath, just below the surface my eyes open and listlessly watch my silver hair mock gravity under water.

Ripples break over my head and Mary's small, sturdy, calloused hands pull my head above the water, "Now I cannot let my Lady drown, please just relax and I shall attend you to night." I nod slightly, not really caring for much of anything. The past twenty-four hours having been extremely draining on my emotions.

Those sturdy fingers lather themselves in a suds and begin messaging the soap deep into my skull, releasing a tension I conveniently forgot about. The subtle waves created by Mary's movements splash between the tub and I, creating a steady beat for the lullaby of the house. My body slowly relaxes as the minutes melt away and Mary steadily washes me, and before I know it, Mary has me stand up and wraps a large fluffy robe around my shoulders.

I shake my head, clearing the gentle fog from my mind, and gently begin drying my hair while Mary clears the bathtub and goes about the preparations for the rest of washing up for dinner. Mary lets me rub motion and tonic water into my skin, taking special care of my hands and face, before brushing my hair and dressing me in a simple light kimono. The navy silk kisses my skin and warms it after the several temperature changes it had just been through, soothing me in more ways than one.

Dinner is much like breakfast. Silent, not even the mice settling in for the coming winter make a sound. My father seems to have completely forgotten our pleasant time with one another last night, he does not even address our approaching outing. I can barely touch my food, a sad smile gracing my lips. Soft murmurs break the dead silence as the servants watch as father and daughter simply exist in separate universes.

I cannot tell if my father even notices when I take my leave early, I should feel something more than the need to practice with my kodachi. Yet, that is all that is on my mind right now. A burning desire to feel the lithe steel separate the fibers of the bamboo stalks I practice with floods my body and I cannot walk to the practice arena in the garden fast enough.

The hours pass quickly, as if each swing of my blade marks sixty minutes. Before I know it, Maria's face enters the tunnel vision practicing gives me and I manage to stay my Akatsuki just a hairs breath from her neck. Her normally rosy cheeks immediately drain as the shock sets in, "Oh, Maria, I'm so sorry. I did not see you. Please sit down, why did you not call out to me. Oh, I'm so sorry."

My voice trembles softly as I ramble on, the shock affecting me as well. Maria takes several deep breaths, trying to regain control over her body and breathe normally. I don't know how much time passes before a heavy sigh slips from my handmaiden's lips, "I am fine my lady. Thank you for helping me to sit, but I came to get you ready for your monthly walk with your father. You have been practicing near six hours since you left dinner early, so you should come take a bath before you leave."

"Yes, I suppose you are right. But you should take the rest of the night off, after such a fright I would not feel right in taking your services until you are well recovered. Please tell Sibbhoban to meet me in my rooms in your stead."

Ever a wise woman, Maria simply nods and stands up slowly, not fully trusting herself to argue let alone walk to the servants quarters by herself. I hold onto her until we reach the house and she can use the wall to guide her before I nod with a small smile and make my way to my bedroom. Once there, I sit on the bed and listen to the house settle.

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