Untitled Part 11 unedited

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My eyes widen slightly in muted astonishment before I sigh and stand from my slouched position on the bench, elbows achy after leaning back on my palms for so long, "Alright, please lead me to him." I take a moment to stretch my arms above my head and adjust my hair to hide my ears, loosening the ponytail to accommodate for the extra room needed to hide them.

Next, I discretely pull the back of my pants away from my body for my tail to slip into them, creating A LOT of extra padding around my behind. I cough to hide my heated cheeks as I slip past Peter holding the back door open for me, I have always hated how these pants look with my tail tucked in them. Well, I just hate how everything looks with my tail tucked under it, but it cannot be helped.

On my way to the parlor I glance at a clock, it is already a little past noon. A reasonable hour to call on someone on a Wednesday. But what could Sebastian want with me? If it were the Earl's business, then he would have surely come himself.

Upon reaching the door leading to the parlor, I stop Peter's hand as he reaches for the handle to let me in. I just need another moment to compose myself before entering under that weighted red stare once more, I can already feel his oppressive presence leaking through the wood from the other side. Air fills my lungs to the point of pain and I hold my breath for an extra second, releasing Peter's wrist and nodding my permission for him to open the door for me.

A moment later the door opens and I can see Sebastian standing there by the mantel in all his black noir glory. The raven colored hair, just the acceptable amount of messy for a butler of is status. The pale skin, just on the brink of unhealthy if it were not for those lips tinged just slightly pink. The deceptive build of his body hidden under a black uniform. Finally, those red eyes. A kind and closely guarded look obscuring any further inquiry to his person blanketed in red.

Sebastian's lips quirk, and he bows deeply, hand over his heart, "My Lady Akatsuki, good afternoon."

I nod and smile cordially, "Good afternoon, how are you today?"

His gaze settles on mine, slowly blinking before responding, "I am well, my Lady, and you?"

"I find myself in peaceful spirits. Pray, tell me, is something the matter? You seem a bit stiff since I last saw you."

"I assure you that I am fine. Nothing to concern yourself with over a humble butler such as myself."

"I see," I nod my head, choosing not to press the matter and gesture to the chairs around the fireplace, "Please, sit down."

"As you wish," Sebastian cautiously moves in front of a plush chair close to where her was but waits to sit until after I have settled in the one opposite his.

"Did you enjoy the ball last eve Sebastian? I know you were there to provide for the young Lord and us ladies, but with music such as that, one would be hard pressed to believe you didn't enjoy that," I say while resting my hands on my lap and relaxing a bit into the back of the chair.

"I shall always make sure that my Lord's needs are well met before my own, my Lady."

"Yes, but does that mean that you do not enjoy playing music? I myself play the standing bass and sing, so you may safely say I find great enjoyment in music. I also fancy myself accomplished enough in the art to recognize when other musicians truly love their craft as well, as I believed you did last night."

Something flashes across Sebastian's face, like he is annoyed that I am pressing him about how he enjoys music instead of our cryptic conversations held in darkened quarters with very little personal space. I am, of course very curious, but I doubt that I will learn much from him now. He still does not trust me, nor I him. So there is no point to forcing answers from him before building any kind of repour.

I smile, pretending to be oblivious to Sebastian's frustration and wait patiently for his answer, "Yes, I do find much amusement in playing music."

"Oh that is indeed lovely to hear, we must play together sometime," my words surprise both Sebastian and I, I don't need him to have an excuse to see me. But perhaps this will help me gain some of his trust? I doubt it, but it could hardly hurt.

"Indeed," a slight twitch above Sebastian's left eye leaves a genuine smile on my lips, he is truly aggravated by my deliberate aversion of our last discussion, "Wh-"

"Anyway, is there a reason you called? Or did you wish to just visit with me? Either is preferable to me of course," my interruption causes another little twitch in Sebastian's face.

"Yes, I am afraid my master must reschedule your chess match to next Wednesday, he has been called to London you see. On the Queen's orders."

"The queen's orders you say?"

"Yes, my lady."

"Oh dear, that is sad. But nonetheless, I am available on Wednesday of next week. Shall I be expecting him here?"

"He asks that you join him at his townhome by Hyde Park at a quarter past two."

"That sounds lovely, when you are ready to leave, please give my steward at the door the details and location and I shall see Ciel then."

Our positions during out discussion stay much the same, with the exception of my standing from my chair and turning around, the light from the front window highlighting my hair. His overbearing presence comes to lurk over my shoulder, no doubt to force me into some form of submission, but Sebastian will not be the alpha in my own home that I have run since I was eleven, "I have also come for my own reasons. . . Kitten."

My tail bristles in agitation, slightly brushing against his legs, and I turn my head sharply to the side, "And what," the warmth of the sun travels from my face to heat my back. Although the temperature of my face does not cool as I face Sebastian, he allows me to create some space between us, "Pray tell, is that?"

"Our past encounters seem to be a little, shall we say unsatisfying?"

"I do not know what you mean."

His blood red eyes search fervently, a tinge of desperation behind the cool composition as he ravages through my soul, finding nothing, "You don't, do you."

His statement rings through the silent parlor, neither of us finding the right words to broach any topic that would be fit to follow such a conversation.

Minutes pass in tense silence, which slowly dissipates into solemn comfort, when a soft knock breaks upon the door, "My lady, your tea is served."

"Yes Peter, please come in, and set a cup for Sebastian as well."

Sebastian stops him with a kind smile once the boy walks in, "I'm sorry, but a servant never dines with a lady. I am afraid I must take my leave, have a nice day." Silence follows his footsteps in a heavy wake, the sound of the large wooden doors never reaching our ears as Sebastian exits my home. Peter and I share a look, both slightly relieved at the disappearance of such presence.

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